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Presentation on theme: "Acceleration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acceleration

2 Acceleration Measures the change in an object’s velocity over time
Units include a distance and a time squared Ex: mi/hr2, m/s2

3 Types of Acceleration:
Same Direction of Motion AKA “Speeding Up” + = A force is applied in the same direction causing the bike to speed up.

4 Types of Acceleration:
Opposite Direction of Motion AKA “Slowing Down” + = A force is applied in the opposite direction causing the bike to slow down.

5 Types of Acceleration:
At angle to motion AKA “Turning” + = A force is applied at an angle causing the bike to change direction. The speed may not change!

6 Calculating Acceleration
Must know: Final velocity (speed) Initial velocity (speed) Time A = velocity final – velocityinitial time

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