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Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet. Read the following sentence. Then, complete one of the activities for one of the underlined words. -In a nonviolence workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet. Read the following sentence. Then, complete one of the activities for one of the underlined words. -In a nonviolence workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet. Read the following sentence. Then, complete one of the activities for one of the underlined words. -In a nonviolence workshop at the end of April, Shuttlesworth spoke to the aspiring activists, knowing they were really ready to march. -He didn’t believe a permit was necessary but applied anyway “out of an abundance of caution and to comply with the law.” Use the rules for breaking words into their parts to determine how to say either word. Use context clues to write a definition for either word. Write an antonym for either word. Begin working on: Interactive Reading




5 Agenda Time (min.’s) Unit: Conflict
Essential Question: Does conflict ever make things better? 10 Interactive Reading 5 Vocabulary (aspiring, abundance) 15 Read Aloud We’ve Got a Job (end of Chapter 7 and beginning of Ch. 8) Summarize and Main Idea Classroom Conversation Whole Group (Figurative Language) 35 Work Time (3.11 Understanding Figurative Language) Wrap-Up

6 3.11 Aspiring: Having a goal to do or have something. I am an aspiring ___________. Abundance: A large amount of something. The man and woman won an abundance of money in the lottery, allowing them to buy __________________.

7 3.1 Segregation: the act of separating people of different races, especially in schools, housing and other parts of society Our country has ___________________ the consequences of segregation for many decades. Integration: the act of bringing together people of different races, especially in schools, housing and other parts of society Integration of the races has been a battle that has brought much ________________. 3.2 Prosecuted: officially charged with a crime in a court of law Swiper could easily be prosecuted for ____________. Vindictive: trying to hurt someone because one believes they have been harmed by that person; getting revenge The Coyote was so vindictive toward Road Runner because he __________________. 3.3 Confront: to deal with a problem or difficult situation Some people prefer to confront problems head on while others avoid ______________. Activism: a belief that people must take part in events to achieve political or social change. The activism of Charlie Brown and Snoopy caused ________________. 3.4 Inevitable: Unavoidable. Not preventable. Many felt that it was inevitable that Tom would eventually ___________ Jerry. Fortitude: Courage or strength shown by someone dealing with great difficulties. It took incredible fortitude for the Marines to _______________ at Iwo Jima.

8 3.6 Moderate: Having opinions, especially related to politics, that are not extreme. Compared to _________________, Shrek’s views on the castle’s new design were very moderate. Meticulously: Describes something that is done very carefully, paying close attention to details. It was very difficult for Donkey to meticulously __________________, because he had hooves for hands. 3.7 Impenetrable: Impossible to pass through or see through. Many people believe that ____________ is impenetrable. Explicit: Clearly expressed. The gift of __________ that he gave to her made it explicit that he loved her. 3.8 Unconstitutional: Not just (not fair). Not in agreement with a nation’s constitution. A court decided it was unconstitutional for the government to use cameras to give people tickets for ______________. Reconciliation: A settlement of differences between people who don’t agree on something. Bugs and Yosemite Sam could not come to a reconciliation on ___________________. 3.9 Disintegrating: Becoming less united. Getting weaker. Unity among the army of spiders was disintegrating when the queen spider ___________________. Injunction: An official order issued by a court that forbids doing a certain act, such as marching in protest or going on strike. The judge signed an injunction forcing the lion’s handler to __________________.

9 3.11 Aspiring: Having a goal to do or have something. I am an aspiring ___________. Abundance: A large amount of something. The man and woman won an abundance of money in the lottery, allowing him to buy __________________.

10 We’ve Got a Job 6, 7, 8 Chapter 7, 8 Author’s Purpose Context Clues
Prediction Chapter 7, 8

11 1. How does the description of DJ Shelley Stewart’s announcement at the beginning of chapter 8 affect the meaning of the text? (RI.2.6 author’s purpose…) A. It infers that the movement was well organized. B. It proves that the young people were ready for a party. C. It allows the reader to compare MLK’s plan with Stewart’s. D. It shows that the blacks were willing to do things that the whites were not.

12 Central Idea Central Idea Detail 1 Detail 2 Detail 3

13 Anetta didn’t seem scared to get arrested. Arnetta was arrested.
Central Idea Central Idea Anetta didn’t seem scared to get arrested. Arnetta was arrested. Arnetta was laughed at in the jail and treated badly.

14 Arnetta was willing to make sacrifices for equal rights.
Central Idea Arnetta was willing to make sacrifices for equal rights. Anetta didn’t seem scared to get arrested. Arnetta was arrested. Arnetta was laughed at in the jail and treated badly.

15 Reviewing Writing Prompt for Writing Test
Conversation Starter Questions

16 Figurative Language

17 Work Time: 3.1 Read Closely and Ask Questions, 3.2 Author’s Purpose, 3.3 Make Cause and Effect Connections, 3.6 Identify Related Words, 3.11 Understanding Figurative Language Interactive Reading Unit 3 Grammar Study Plan Independent Reading

18 Wrap Up What part of today’s reading did you find most interesting?

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