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Strength Training for Everybody

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1 Strength Training for Everybody

2 Did you know? Lean body mass is more dense than fat mass, taking up about 22% less space One pound of muscle burns calories per day An increase of only 7.7% in the resting metabolic rate of a 180-pound person can result in an increase of 50,000 calories expanded yearly = 14 pound loss of fat even if diet and activity remain the same

3 Did you know? From age 65-84, the average decline in strength equals 1.5% per year The ability to maintain an independent lifestyle is dependent upon maintaining strength as an individual ages

4 Strength Training can…
Help prevent obesity and its many health consequences Increase resting metabolic rate Increase lean body mass Decrease fat mass Increase bone density

5 And… Prevent and reverse physical frailty Help prevent falls
Improve the quality of sleep Reduce depression Aid digestion and reduce the risk of colon cancer

6 And… In addition, strength training is safe and effective for all ages, even the elderly, and those with chronic conditions, such as: Arthritis Osteoporosis Diabetes Heart disease

7 Body Composition and Aging
The average person gains 1 pound per year after the age of 25 The average person also loses 0.5 pounds of fat-free mass per year This results in a net gain of 1.5 pounds of fat each year!

8 What Are We To Do?

9 Muscular Fitness Muscular strength and endurance are both developed by the overload principle, i.e., progressively giving your muscles a challenge by increasing the repetitions or amount lifted Free weights (barbells, dumbbells) Variable Resistance Machines (Cybex, etc.) Body Weight Exercises (push-ups, sit-ups)

10 Tailoring a Program for You
What are your objectives? Change body composition – decrease fat Increase muscle tone or shape of your body Increase muscle strength Correct a current muscle weakness or imbalance Aid performance in a particular sport or event

11 Tailoring a Program for You
How many days per week are you able to exercise? 2-3 days a week 4-5 days a week How much time for each session? 20-30 minutes for full-body workout 20-25 minutes for circuit training 10-20 minutes for multiple split routines

12 Tailoring a Program for You
Do you have any medical or orthopedic concerns that may be worsened through resistance training? Uncontrolled high blood pressure Uncontrolled diabetes Acute musculoskeletal problems or injuries

13 Strength Training Guidelines
Perform – 8 to 10 different exercises involving the major muscle groups (arms, back, legs, abdominals, shoulders, chest) Exercise 2-3 days a week Perform a minimum of one set of 8-12 repetitions to near fatigue for each exercise Discuss weight used…near fatigue

14 Strength Training Guidelines
The intensity can be manipulated by varying the weight (load), repetitions, rest intervals between exercises and the number of sets completed Resistance training should be rhythmical, performed at a moderate to slow speed, move through a full range of motion and not impede normal breathing

15 Designing Your Program
Choice of exercises Order of exercises Number of sets and repetitions Intensity (amount of weight used) Rest periods between sets Frequency of exercises

16 Working ST Into Your Routine
Warm-up minutes Stretching minutes Strength Training minutes Aerobic Conditioning minutes Cool-down and Flexibility minutes

17 Things to Remember Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is largely determined by Fat Free Weight (FFW) Resistance training is effective for the development and maintenance of FFW The principle component of the age-related decrease in BMR is a loss in muscle mass

18 Things to Remember A low-calorie diet without physical activity will result in a significant loss in muscle mass, as well as BMR, while resistance training will help preserve both. Muscular strength and endurance are developed by increasing more than normal the resistance to movement or frequency and duration of activity

19 Things to Remember The initial stages of resistance training should emphasize proper lifting technique of the basic, multi-joint exercises using moderate resistance and higher repetitions The effect of resistance training is specific to the area of the body being trained and to the range of motion of the joint and muscles

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