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Where there is despair…..

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Presentation on theme: "Where there is despair….."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where there is despair…..
let me bring … HOPE

2 We are called to be people of hope…

3 “It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness”
-The Christophers

4 Please consider…

5 Where do you find hope ?

6 How do you bring hope to others?

7 Choose ONE (that fits you best!)
Something in the world that brings me hope is…… This brings me hope because… A way I try to bring hope to others is by….It is my hope that by ….

8 Please type out in a large font…
A two-sentence quote BY YOU expressing either Where you see hope in the world (and why)…or How you try to bring hope to others.

9 Bring your printed quote in
BY:________________________ We will create an “inspiration board” for the classroom containing everyone’s quotes. Counts as a HW grade. (30 points if on time)

10 Look for and spread


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