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Unit 5 Vocabulary.

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1 Unit 5 Vocabulary

2 approximately adverb used to show that something is almost, but not completely, accurate or exact; roughly. "a journey of approximately two hours" synonyms:roughly, about, around

3 ideal adjective: most suitable.
"the swimming pool is ideal for a quick dip" synonyms: perfect, best possible, flawless, faultless, without fault "it was ideal flying weather“ antonyms:bad

4 resilient (of a substance or object) able to recoil or spring back into shape after bending, stretching, or being compressed. "a shoe with resilient cushioning" synonyms:flexible, plastic, elastic, springy, rubbery antonyms:inflexible, rigid, fragile

5 resilient (of a person or animal) able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions. "babies are generally far more resilient than new parents realize" synonyms:strong, tough, hardy; quick to recover, quick to bounce back;  adaptable, flexible "he was still young and resilient" antonyms:vulnerable, sensitive

6 motif noun noun: motif; plural noun: motifs
a decorative image or design, especially a repeated one forming a pattern. "the colourful hand-painted motifs which adorn narrowboats" synonyms:design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, logo, monogram, device, emblem, ornament"a black chenille sweater with a colourful tulip motif”

7 evolve Verb develop gradually.
"the company has evolved into a major chemical manufacturer" synonyms: develop, progress, make progress, advance, move forward, make headway, mature, grow, open out, expand, enlarge, spread, extend

8 regard Verb consider or think of in a specified way.
"she regarded London as her base" synonyms:consider, look on, view, see, hold, think, think of, contemplate, count, judge "we regard these results as encouraging"

9 opponent Noun someone who competes with or opposes another in a contest, game, or argument. "he beat his Republican opponent by a landslide margin" synonyms: rival, adversary, opposer, the opposition, fellow contestant, (fellow) competitor, other competitor/contestant/player/candidate, enemy, foe, antagonist, combatant, challenger antonyms: ally, partner, colleague

10 forecast synonyms:prediction, prophecy, forewarning, 

11 Diminished adjective made smaller or less.
"a diminished role for local government" made to seem less impressive or valuable. "she felt diminished by the report"

12 recreation activity done for enjoyment when one is not working.
"she rides for recreation" synonyms:pleasure, leisure, relaxation, fun, enjoyment, entertainment, amusement, refreshment,restoration, distraction, diversion; More antonyms:work

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