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New Member Procedures Go to:

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Presentation on theme: "New Member Procedures Go to:"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Member Procedures Go to:
Click Register. Use the same address that you used to join FCC If you were assigned a password by FCC you should change it

2 From the Calendar page you can navigate to the pages you use for FCC participation
To sign up for an event like a field trip or competition judging you can find it on the calendar or click Events To submit images for competitions or challenges you can also look in the calendar or click Submissions Click on Member to change your password or link your online photo gallery to the FCC Website

3 Event Sign up To sign up for an event simply find it in the list and click. On the event page click Join Event You’re done.

4 Image Submission To submit an image click Browse and find the image on your computer Give it a title. You may add a comment. If you do not want your image share on the FCC Website where we post winning images uncheck the Allow Dupes box. Click Submit Image. When you have reached the maximum number of images for the competition or challenge this option will disappear. You may delete and add images up to the entry deadline.

5 Password Change and your Photo Gallery
You cannot change your address, but this is where you change your password and link your online photo gallery

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