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Freshman Registration Night

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Presentation on theme: "Freshman Registration Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Freshman Registration Night

2 Tonight you will: meet your counselor
learn about course sequencing, requirements & prerequisites learn about A+ and other WHS opportunities request classes for next year set up a Personal Plan of Study

3 Levels K-12 Standards: Social and Emotional Development
Understanding self as an individual and as a member of diverse local and global communities Interacting with others in ways that respect individual and group differences Applying personal safety skills and coping strategies Standards: Academic Development Applying skills needed for educational achievement Applying the skills of transitioning between educational levels Developing and monitoring personal plans of study Career Development Applying career exploration and planning skills in the achievement of life career goals Knowing where and how to obtain information about the world of work and post-secondary training/education Applying skills for career readiness and success

4 Course Descriptions WORLD GEOGRAPHY (½ credit) GR 9, 10
course title WORLD GEOGRAPHY (½ credit) GR 9, 10 The focus of this course is for the student to understand, develop, and use the perspectives, themes, and concepts of geography through the study of human systems of culture, politics, economics, and population. Credit: semester or full year (1/2 or 1) Grade level to take the class Description of the class Always double check the PREREQUISITES and GRADE LEVEL required for each class!


6 English/Language Arts I, II* & III* *denotes honors sections available
At least one additional credit from the following choices: Speech I & II Techniques of Writing/Senior Composition (Honors Comp I/Honors Comp II*) Career English Honors Intro to Literature Honors American Literature Honors English Literature Mythology Honors Library Practicum Debate (full year) Communication Artists Honors Intro to Philosophy Creative Writing

7 Recent American History World History* Government*
grade 9 (Citizenship Test) World History* grade 10 Government* grade 11 (MO/US constitution tests)

8 Algebra I 1 credit or Alg. A 1 credit & Algebra B 1 credit
Geometry or Integrated Geometry 1 credit (before Alg II) Algebra II* 1 credit (needed for college; take ACT during this year) Math Analysis/Trigonometry*1 credit Honors Calculus 1 credit

9 Physical Science (test out option) Biology*
One additional unit from the following: Chemistry* Biology II* Earth Science Human Bio and/or Genetics Honors Physics I or II Anatomy & Physiology* OR

10 Health Science I at WACC – 1 year = 1 credit OR
3 credits from: Ag Science I, Ag Science II, Biotechnology, Equine Sci, Small Engine Repair, Advanced Animal Science, Greenhouse, Floriculture, Landscaping, Conservation. OR Ag Science I, Ag Science II & one other from the Ag classes listed above.

11 Intro to Theatre - ½ credit (9) or Theatre Arts I – 1 credit (10-12)
Choir Band Intro to Theatre - ½ credit (9) or Theatre Arts I – 1 credit (10-12) Speech I must first be taken Music & Technology and Music Theory (10-12)—½ credit each

12 Health / PE Physical Education or Personal Fitness 1 credit 9th grade
Health ½ credit 10th grade

13 Additional ½ credit from one of the following Practical Art areas:
Personal Finance is a 1 sem. (½ credit) class that is required 11th or 12th grade Dual credit option available ROTC option (Global Awareness AS-300) Additional ½ credit from one of the following Practical Art areas: Industrial Technology Family & Consumer Science Business Agriculture Warrensburg Area Career Center A+ Tutoring class ROTC

14 We offer French and Spanish
It is highly recommended that students have a grade of C+ or better in Language/Communication Arts courses to take French or Spanish We offer French and Spanish Not a Warrensburg HS graduation requirement Several universities require 2 or more years of the same foreign language.

15 General Foods (Career and Family Leadership) Industrial Technology 
Ag Science I  Ag Science II Ag Construction I General Foods (Career and Family Leadership) Nutrition and Wellness Industrial Technology  Drafting & Design Stagecraft (Or take Theatre I) Speech I  Theatre Arts, Intro to Theatre, or Debate

16 A+ Program Free Money for College
Sign and turn in an agreement form to the A+ Office (Mr. Nimmo) Attend an A+ school for 3 consecutive years Graduate with at least a 2.5 GPA Graduate with at least a a 95% attendance rate. Good record of citizenship Perform 50 hours of tutoring File the FAFSA Achieve a Proficient or Advanced score on the Algebra I EOC Free Money for College Students are eligible to use the incentive for UP TO FOUR years after high school!!

17 Innovation Track Students:
Get a Head Start on Their Degrees Have Access to Student Support Services Receive a Quality Education Save Money with Dual Credit

18 Online Enrollment/INFOSNAP forms due (May 2019)
Schedules available (end of May 2019 – after enrollment packet is submitted) WHS Counselors available to refine schedules until about mid-June. Freshman Transition Day (Aug 14, 2019) Freshman Picnic/Open House (Aug 2019)

19 Follow us on Twitter and Facebook:
Twitter Facebook - Warrensburg High School Counseling

20 Turn in the following items (or take home to complete):
1. Freshman Course Selection Sheet (Blue Sheet) 2. Personal Plan of Study (carbon sheet) *with at least 9th and 10th grade completed, preferably all 4 years 3. Evaluation

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