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Presentation on theme: "RECONSTRUCTION AND ITS EFFECTS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Reconstruction The period when the U.S. began to rebuild after the Civil War from 1865 to 1877.

3 Lincoln’s 10% Plan Favored a lenient policy toward the South.
The government would pardon all Confederates. After 10% took an oath of allegiance, state governments would resume power.

4 Andrew Johnson Lincoln’s assassination left his successor, AJ to deal with Reconstruction. His plan was similar to Lincoln’s. BUT, he wanted to punish Confederate leaders.

5 Radical Republicans Wanted to punish the South by destroying the political power of former slaveholders. Wanted African Americans to be given full citizenship and the right to vote. Thaddeus Stevens

6 Who was Thaddeus Stevens?
A Northern Congressional leader of the Radical Republicans. Known for his hatred of slavery and all slaveholders.

7 How was Reconstruction a SUCCESS?

8 Millions of freed slaves Needed housing, clothing, food, and jobs.

9 Freedman’s Bureau Offered assistance, such as medical aid
and education, to freed slaves and war refugees.

10 The Civil War Amendments
13th Amendment: Abolished Slavery (1865) 14th Amendment: Civil Rights (1868) Made “all persons born or naturalized in the US” citizens of the country with equal protection under the law. 15th Amendment: Right to Vote (1870) No one can be kept from voting because of “race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”

11 Hiram Revels The first African- American senator.
Out of 125 Southerners elected to the Congress, only 16 were African Americans.

12 Southern military districts- purpose was to enforce the new laws.

13 How was Reconstruction a FAILURE?

14 Black Codes Discriminatory laws passed in the South that severely restricted African-American’s lives. Kept former slaves in a slave-like condition.

15 Sharecropping Landowners divided their land and gave each worker a few acres, along with seed and tools. At harvest time, each worker gave a share of his crop, usually half, to the landowner.

16 What was the KKK? Founded as a social club for Confederate veterans.
Ku Klux Klan’s goal was to restore white supremacy.

17 How did the election of 1876 affect Reconstruction?

18 Compromise of 1877 Southern Democrats were willing to accept Hayes as President IF…. 1. Federal troops in the South withdrew 2. Money for infrastructure—Improve railroads and harbors in the South 3. Southern Democratic power rules. -home rule ENDED RECONSTRUCTION!!!

19 Was Reconstruction a Success or Failure?
African Americans participated in all levels of government. Publics school systems funded. Schools, churches, and families for African Americans. Break up of plantation system. 14th and 15th Amendments were passed. Government failed to secure the rights of former slaves with Constitutional amendments. State Republican party could not preserve black-white voter coalition. Radical Republicans did not enact land reform. Racial bias was a national, not regional problem.

20 Lincoln’s Second Inaugural
With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan--to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.


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