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Hole Spin Decoherence in Quantum Dots

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1 Hole Spin Decoherence in Quantum Dots
Denis Bulaev and Daniel Loss Department of Physics University of Basel, Switzerland

2 Motivation Pros of heavy hole Cons of heavy hole Quantum computing
Qubit with long coherence time Pros of heavy hole Weak hyperfine interactions with nuclei (p-symmetry) Cons of heavy hole Strong spin-orbit interactions with light holes Difficulties in coherent spin manipulation ...

3 Motivation Pros of heavy hole Cons of heavy hole Quantum computing
Qubit with long coherence time Pros of heavy hole Weak hyperfine interactions with nuclei (p-symmetry) Weak spin-orbit interactions with light holes in 2D QDs Cons of heavy hole Difficulties in coherent spin manipulation ...

4 Motivation Pros of heavy hole Cons of heavy hole Quantum computing
Qubit with long coherence time Pros of heavy hole Weak hyperfine interactions with nuclei (p-symmetry) Weak spin-orbit interactions with light holes in 2D QDs Possibilities for coherent spin manipulation via EDSR Cons of heavy hole ...

5 Effective Hamiltonian of Heavy Holes
[R. Winkler, PRB 62, 4245 (2000)] [DB & D. Loss, PRL 95, (2006)] g(GaAs) = 2.5, g(InAs) = -2.2. [H.W. van Kestern, et al., PRB 41, 5283 (1990)] [M.Bayer,et al., PRL 82, 1748 (1999)]

6 Spin Relaxation Rates GaAs Quantum Dot (g = 2.5)
InAs Quantum Dot (g = -2.2) [DB & D. Loss, PRL 95, (2006)]

7 B-field Dependence of Rates
Electrons phonons Hso Heavy holes Dresselhaus SO coupling Rashba SO coupling

8 Summary Anticrossing and spin mixing (GaAs QD)
T2 = 2T1 at low temperatures Peaks on the spin relaxation decay curve (GaAs QD) Rashba Dresselhaus Spin relaxation time for heavy holes CAN BE longer than for electrons

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