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Source A “The very poor… in the countryside built themselves one roomed hovels…mean beyond imagination, without windows, only one storey” (The Age of.

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Presentation on theme: "Source A “The very poor… in the countryside built themselves one roomed hovels…mean beyond imagination, without windows, only one storey” (The Age of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Source A “The very poor… in the countryside built themselves one roomed hovels…mean beyond imagination, without windows, only one storey” (The Age of Elizabeth by D.M. Palliser (Historian, 1983) L.O. Describe what the poverty crisis was, Explain the attitudes towards the poverty crisis, Evaluate the biggest cause of the poverty crisis

2 Source B “They lie in the streets in dirt and are permitted to die like dogs or beasts without any mercy or compassion”. (Philip Stubbs, a Puritan, writing in his diary in 1583.) L.O. Describe what the poverty crisis was, Explain the attitudes towards the poverty crisis, Evaluate the biggest cause of the poverty crisis

3 Source C “It is not yet threescore years since the trade of begging began. But how it has increased since then. They are now supposed, of one sex and another, to number 10,000 people as I have heard reported”. (Description of England by William Harrison, 1577.) L.O. Describe what the poverty crisis was, Explain the attitudes towards the poverty crisis, Evaluate the biggest cause of the poverty crisis

4 Source D Beggars being punished in the streets in the sixteenth century. The beggars are being publicly whipped and a hanging is taking place in the background. L.O. Describe what the poverty crisis was, Explain the attitudes towards the poverty crisis, Evaluate the biggest cause of the poverty crisis

5 Person 1 The impotent poor can’t provide for themselves. They’re too young, old or ill. They can’t help being poor – maybe we should help them.

6 Person 2 The idle poor are such a drain on our society. There’s enough jobs out there – they should just go out and get one! They’re bone idle lazy. They should be treated as criminals

7 Person 3 Vagrants and beggars are getting attacked on the streets! No wonder why – they trick people with their con artist ways. They rob you, steal from your washing line, and pretend to be ill so people give them money out of pity.

8 Person 4 Us Puritans strongly disapprove of these poor beggars. These vagabonds go round in groups, scaring law abiding people like us! We’re afraid they’ll turn into a mob and overrun our town!

9 Person 5 The wandering poor are a problem in this country. Diseases like the plague and smallpox are spreading. Who else is wandering from town to town other than these unclean, filthy peasants?!

10 Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 I think… Summarise: The attitudes towards the poor were… Elizabeth and her government could fix this problem by…

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