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Fireside Combustion Catalyst.

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Presentation on theme: "Fireside Combustion Catalyst."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fireside Combustion Catalyst

2 The Problem SOx & NOx emissions caused by Industrial boilers & power stations: Pollute the Environment Toxic & Poisonous Creates Smog Boiler Inefficiencies due to poor coal quality

3 Our solution - Chinco Fireside Catalyst
... an effective process, cleanly and safely combusting coal or other carbonaceous material in a manner which enhances the environment by reducing emission of pollutants such as nitrogen oxide (NOx) & sulphur dioxide (SOx & black smoke) during the combustion process.

4 Our solution - Chinco Fireside Catalyst
NO capital outlay NO shutdown needed Effeciency & combustion will be increased Conforms to ALL local & international standards Most cost effective solution available Sustainable – 100% Organic-Metallic Compound Non-Toxic, Non-Piosonous & Non-Magnetic No damage to ecosystem if spilled

5 Tried & Tested Chinco Fireside contains natural
environmentally friendly additives which result in a highly effective combustion catalyst. Tried and tested in the South African industrial market over many years.

6 The Product Chinco Fireside Treatment. Dosage 200 grams per ton coal.
Organic-Metallic Compound. 100% Catalyst. Raw Manganese Ore Base Non – Toxic. Non – Poisonous. Non – Magnetic. No Damage to Land or Ecosystems when Spilled.

7 How does Chinco Fireside Work ?
The binding of Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) to the Transition Metal Complexes in the catalyst reduces the SO2 flue gases during the combustion process. The resultant lower SO2 levels reduces acid formation in the flue gas passageways thereby reducing fouling and slagging

8 BENEFITS Chinco reduces particulate stack emissions
Chinco enhances combustion, improving boiler efficiency by reducing the Carbon in Ash after combustion Reduced fuel costs Less soot blowing required due to improved combustion process. Saves wasted energy in producing less steam for soot blowing Improved combustion results in less Carbon in Ash thus less handling of ash and less ash disposal

9 BENEFITS cont.. Boiler efficiency improved
Ash fusion temperature is raised resulting in a more friable compound instead of hard clinker formation. This is more easily removed with soot blowers. Less insulating fireside deposits and thus less heat transfer problems.

NOx is a by-product of combustion – pollutant contributing to ozone, particulate matter and acid rain. Thermal NOx is the largest contributor to the overall total NOx. Under high temperature of combustion (1 425 °Celsius) Thermal NOx is formed. N2 + O2 + Heat gives Nox

Boiler NOx formation

12 NOx Emissions without Catalyst

13 NOx Emissions with Catalyst

14 Sulphur Oxide (SOx) Limits by Governments and other organisations on Sox (SO2 + SO3) emissions are being reduced as the harmful effects become more evident. Studies have found that SO2 is a threat to both human health and the environment.

15 SOx Emissions before Catalyst

16 SOx Emissions after Catalyst

17 Questions & Answers

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