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Aztec and IncA Use your notes and pages

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Presentation on theme: "Aztec and IncA Use your notes and pages"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aztec and IncA Use your notes and pages 388-390.
Create a chart summarizing the religion, economy and government of the Aztec and Inca Empire. See white board to help you set-up your chart.


3 China Silk Road Italy Ottoman Empire India India Spice Islands

4 European Exploration Marco Polo returned from China with many goods desired by Europeans

5 European Exploration After the Crusades, trade with the east was controlled by Italy

6 European Exploration Trade paid for the Renaissance

7 X China Portugal Spain Silk Road Italy Ottoman Empire India India
Spice Islands

8 European Exploration Motives for European Exploration 1. Gold
Trade with Asia was profitable Search for gold

9 European Exploration 2. Glory Limited opportunities in Europe 3. God
Desire to spread Christianity

10 European Exploration Technology made sea exploration possible Compass

11 European Exploration Improved maps (longitude and latitude)


13 European Exploration Improved ships



16 European Exploration Improved cannon


18 Explorers Prince Henry the Navigator- established a school in Portugal to train sailors

19 Explorers Bartolomeu Dias- discovered the tip of Africa

20 China Portugal Spain X India India Spice Islands

21 Explorers Vasco de Gama- sailed around Africa to reach India


23 Explorers Christopher Columbus- sailed across the Atlantic Ocean and discovered the New World.

24 Columbus Quote “The islanders came to the ships’ boats, swimming and bringing us parrots ad balls of cotton thread…which they exchanged for….glass beads and hawk bells. …they took and gave of what they had very willingly, but it seemed to me that they were poor in every way. They bore no weapons, nor were they acquainted with them, because when I showed them swords they seized them by the edge and so cut themselves from the ignorance.”

25 Columbus- Hero or Villain? perspectives-on-columbus.html Decide if the videos being shown are biased or unbiased. After viewing these videos and learning about Columbus in your notes, would you consider Columbus to be a hero or villain? Why or why not?


27 Explorers Ferdinand Magellan- sailed around the world.
Circumnavigation -the complete navigation around the world.

28 Reflection Questions 1. What were the causes and motivations for European Exploration? 2. What do you think the impact exploration will have on the native peoples of the New World?

29 Explorers Amerigo Vespucci- realized that Columbus had discovered a “New World”

30 China Portugal Spain X India India Spice Islands


32 Why were the Spanish able to conquer the Aztec empire?
Spanish- 500 men Population of the Aztec Empire- 5,000,000


34 Why were the Spanish able to conquer the Aztec empire?
1. The Spanish had metal weapons 2. The Spanish brought diseases 3. Tribute states helped the Spanish



37 Why were the Spanish able to conquer the inca empire?
Spanish- 200 men Population of the Inca Empire 12,000,000

38 Why were the Spanish able to conquer the inca empire?
Spanish- 200 men Population of the Inca Empire 12,000,000


40 Spanish Exploration The Spanish found large amounts of gold in the New World


42 Spanish Exploration The Spanish enslaved the Native Americans to grow crops and mine silver and gold.

43 Spanish Exploration Disease and abuse killed many enslaved Natives.
Labor shortage led to the need for slave labor


45 The Great Circuit Metal goods were carried from Europe to Africa.
Slaves were carried from Africa to the New World.





50 The Great Circuit Sugar, tobacco and gold were carried from the New World to Europe

51 The Great Circuit Europe Metal Goods Africa

52 The Great Circuit North America Europe Africa Slaves

53 North America Africa The Great Circuit Sugar Tobacco Gold Silver
Europe Sugar Tobacco Gold Silver Africa

54 VOCABULARY Mercantilism- wealth is power Bullion- gold and silver
Exports- goods sold by a country Imports- goods bought by a country Balance of trade- exports vs. imports

55 Effects of Spanish Exploration
Wealth from the New World made Spain the most powerful country in Europe Gold and silver from the New World caused inflation in Europe

56 Vocabulary Columbian Exchange- the exchange of living things between the Old and New World.


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