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New bioenergy schemes Workshop on Assessment of Early Stage Technologies 8 March 2004, Riga Technical University, Riga,Latvia Research Manager Satu Helynen.

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Presentation on theme: "New bioenergy schemes Workshop on Assessment of Early Stage Technologies 8 March 2004, Riga Technical University, Riga,Latvia Research Manager Satu Helynen."— Presentation transcript:

1 New bioenergy schemes Workshop on Assessment of Early Stage Technologies 8 March 2004, Riga Technical University, Riga,Latvia Research Manager Satu Helynen

2 VTT PROCESSES Contents 1.Bundling of forest residues as a new method for wood fuel supply 2.Bioenergy concepts for utilities (power generation) Cofiring in existing PC (pulverised combustion) boilers two-stage crushing + new type of burners atmospheric gasification Fluidised bed combustion with supercritical steam values 3.Large scale CHP for communities and industry with versatile fuel supply 4.Small scale gasification CHP (<10 MWe) with high power-to-heat -ratio

3 VTT PROCESSES 1. Bundling of forest residues as a new method for fuel supply Branches, tops and smalls trees are bundled after harvesting operations in stand or at roadside Bundles are stored at roadside or at plant in piles Bundles are transported with normal trucks to a power plant which has a crusher or a mobile crusher is used Status of technology: Bundler is installed on a normal forwarder/tractor/truck, 15-30 bundles/hour Manufacturers in Finland: Timberjack has delivered about 30 units, Pinomäki (Pika RS 2000) 3 units, Partek Forest (Valmet WoodPac) 1 unit. During 2003 nearly 1 million bundles (1 TWh, 36 PJ) were used in Finland. Costs of bundles at plant (without crushing) typically 9 /MWh (2.2 /GJ). Under development: feasibility to different local conditions and harvesting methods in different countries

4 VTT PROCESSES Bundling of forest residues One bundle: 1 MWh (3,6 GJ), diameter 75 cm, length 3-4 m Photos: Timberjack

5 VTT PROCESSES 2. Bioenergy concepts for utilities (power generation) Advantages of cofiring: Low investment costs, because existing steam cycle is used High power generation efficiency, typically over 40 % Biomass can be utilised when it is available with moderate costs Cofiring in existing PC (pulverised combustion) boilers new two-stage crushing (Joutsan Konepalvelu) + new type of burners (Enprima) no drying or milling of biomass needed -> low costs technology needs demonstration in full scale atmospheric circulating fluidised bed gasification (Foster Wheeler) ash of biomass can be separated cleaning of product gas enables also the use of recycled fuels technology without gas cleaning has been demonstrated successfully in full scale (Lahti, Kymijärvi, since 1999) and with gas cleaning is under demonstration

6 VTT PROCESSES Recycled fuel gasification plant Atmospheric gasifiers replace coal by product gas from biomass in the main boiler Foster Wheeler Source: Energy Visions 2030 for Finland, VTT Energy

7 VTT PROCESSES 2. Bioenergy concepts for utilities (power generation) Fluidised bed combustion with supercritical steam values High steam values increase efficiency, >45% possible for cofiring of local coals and biomass Demonstration plant in construction in Poland, 460 MWe, (Foster Wheeler) Feasible share of each biomass has to be defined Next phase 800 MWe

8 VTT PROCESSES 3. Biomass based fuels are complemented by fossil fuels in large-scale CHP plants Mill Bark, Process residues Process heat Forest residues Agro- biomass Coal Power CHP-plant District heat Forest residues REF Peat GPS

9 VTT PROCESSES Circulating fluidised-bed boiler plant Maximum shares of different wood fuels have been defined for optimising operation and maintenance costs (fouling and corrosion) of the boiler. Fuel unloading for 30.000 trucks/a: automatic sampling, dust control, occupational health. Next phase: demonstration of the use of reed canary grass, straw and other energy crops, improving control and optimisation systems. Source: Energy Visions 2030 for Finland, VTT Energy

10 VTT PROCESSES 4. Novel Concept by Condens: fixed bed gasification, gas cleaning and engines Capacity up to 3 MWe, efficiency of power generation 30-36 % depending on the moisture content of the fuel (0 - 30 %)

11 VTT PROCESSES Novel Demonstration plant under construction in Kokemäki startup 2004/2005 motors gasifier - fuel demand 7200 kW - electricity 1800 kWe, district heat 4300 kWth - investment costs 4,5 M

12 VTT PROCESSES Possibilities for cost reduction of small biomass plants (3 MWe and 5 MWe with rotating grate boilers and steam turbines) with serial production Source: Wärtsilä BioPower. Several commercial plants 3-5 MWe under construction.

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