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Comprehensive Science Periods 1 AND 7
3rd and 4th Nine Weeks
UNIT 5: Stars and Galaxies
Set up pages 1 and 2 of your notebook. Under your unit learning goal and scale sheet rate yourself on the learning goal. Where are you and why. 1 2 Unit 5: Stars and Galaxies Unit Objectives I am a ____ on the learning scale because…
New Notebook Cover Page
Name (first and last) Period Title of class 4 Goals One goal for the new year One goal on how to improve this nine weeks from last nine weeks One goal that is personal to you One goal that is specific to this class 4 pictures One for each goal Must be colorful using more than 4 colors (black white and gray do not count) Must be on plain white paper or construction paper no lined paper please
Monday January 7th 2019 Agenda Set up New notebook
Today's Objective (write on page 2) 1. Understand how scientist measure the distance and brightness of objects in the sky 2. Explain the structure of our sun and how it compares to other stars in the sky IN: (Page 3) What do you know about our sun and how do you think it compares to other stars? Agenda Set up New notebook Continue in Chapter 4 lesson 2 Cover page due by 1/10/19
OUT page 3 What is Nuclear Fusion and why is it important?
Tuesday January 8th 2019 Agenda
Today's Objective (write on page 2) 1. Understand how scientist measure the distance and brightness of objects in the sky 2. Explain the structure of our sun and how it compares to other stars in the sky IN: (Page 5) What two gasses make up most stars? Agenda Continue in Chapter 4 lesson 2 pgs tape in through Cover page due by 1/10/19
OUT page 5 Compare and Contrast the photsphere and the core of the sun.
Wednesday January 9th 2019 Agenda Review Solar Features Make Foldable
Today's Objective (write on page 2) 1. Understand how scientist measure the distance and brightness of objects in the sky 2. Explain the structure of our sun and how it compares to other stars in the sky IN: (Page 7) What are some of the features of the sun that we discussed yesterday at the end of class. Can you name two? Agenda Review Solar Features Make Foldable
OUT page 7 Describe what a solar flare is.
Thursday January 10th 2019 Agenda Check fold-able
Today's Objective (write on page 2) 1. Understand how scientist measure the distance and brightness of objects in the sky 2. Explain the structure of our sun and how it compares to other stars in the sky IN: (Page 9) What contributes to the northern lights? Agenda Check fold-able Finish Chapter 4 lesson 2 notes and reading
OUT page 9 How do we classify stars?
Friday January 11th 2019 Agenda Finish Notes Do Outline
Today's Objective (write on page 2) 1. Understand how scientist measure the distance and brightness of objects in the sky 2. Explain the structure of our sun and how it compares to other stars in the sky IN: (Page 11) What are the three main ways stars are grouped? Agenda Finish Notes Do Outline
OUT page 11 How can we use the H-R diagram to get information about stars?
Monday January 14th 2019 Agenda Go over outline
Today's Objective (write on page 2) 1. Understand how scientist measure the distance and brightness of objects in the sky 2. Explain the structure of our sun and how it compares to other stars in the sky IN: (Page 13) Where is the Sun's location on the H-R diagram? Agenda Go over outline Chapter Review/Quiz Review
OUT page 13 How can we use the H-R diagram to get information about stars?
Tuesday January 15th 2019 Agenda Review for Quiz on 1/16
Today's Objective (write on page 2) 1. Understand how scientist measure the distance and brightness of objects in the sky 2. Explain the structure of our sun and how it compares to other stars in the sky IN: (Page 15) What do you remember about absolute magnitude and apparent magnitude what do you think the difference is between them? Agenda Review for Quiz on 1/16
OUT page 15 How can you use the online textbook to study
17 18 1/16/2019 Through: Picture 1/16/2019 IN: Quiz Chapter 4 Lessons 1 and 2 OUT: Quiz Chapter 4 lessons 1 and 2
Thursday January 17th 2019 Agenda Opening Activity Lesson 3
Today's Objective (write on page 2) 3. Be able to describe the formation and evolution of stars. IN: (Page 19) What is meant by the term "life cycle" Agenda Opening Activity Lesson 3 Notes lesson 3
OUT page 19 What is a nebula and what happens there?
21 22 1/18/2019 Through: 1/18/2019 IN: Notebook Check 1 OUT: Notebook Check 1
Tuesday January 22nd 2019 Agenda Brain POP! And Notes!!
Today's Objective (write on page 2) 3. Be able to describe the formation and evolution of stars. IN: (Page 23) How is a star first born? Look back at your notes from Thursday!!!!!!! Agenda Brain POP! And Notes!!
OUT page 23 What type of stars will become white dwarfs? What type of stars will become a supernova?
Wednesday January 23rd 2019 Agenda
Today's Objective (write on page 2) 3. Be able to describe the formation and evolution of stars. IN: (Page 25) What is predicted to happen to our sun when it runs out of hydrogen for nuclear fusion what is its next step when it is not a main sequence star anymore. Agenda Finish Going through Chapter 4 Lesson 1 Quiz Chapter 4 Lesson 1 1/30
OUT page 25 What does infer mean? Give an example of what you would infer if you saw a fallen tree across the road.
27 28 1/24/2019 Through: SUBWORK 1/24/2019 IN: SUBWORK OUT: SUBWORK
Friday January 25th 2019 Agenda Finish THE LESSON!!
Today's Objective (write on page 2) 3. Be able to describe the formation and evolution of stars. IN: (Page 29) Explain what happens during a supernova Agenda Finish THE LESSON!! Quiz Chapter 4 Lesson 3 ON 1/30
OUT page 29 How do the elements from a supernova remnant affect us here on earth? What is the connection?
Monday January 28th h2019 Agenda Chapter 4 Lesson 3 Review
Today's Objective (write on page 2) 3. Be able to describe the formation and evolution of stars. IN: (Page 31) What is some evidence that a black hole is present? Agenda Chapter 4 Lesson 3 Review Make fold-able Quiz 1/30 (Wednesday)
Tuesday January 29th 2019 Agenda Practice Quiz Go over practice quiz
Today's Objective (write on page 2) 3. Be able to describe the formation and evolution of stars. IN: (Page 33) How does gravity affect stars? Agenda Practice Quiz Go over practice quiz Check fold-able
OUT page 33 How are you going to study for you quiz tomorrow
35 36 1/30/2019 Through: Quiz Chapter 4 Lesson 3 Draw your picture! 1/30/2019 IN: Quiz Chapter 4 Lesson 3 OUT: Quiz Chapter 4 Lesson 3
Thursday January 31st 2019 Agenda Lesson Introduction Lesson Outline
Today's Objective (write on page 2) 4. Identify what a galaxy is, and be able to distinguish amoung the different galaxies while also identifying our own galaxie the Milky Way. IN: (Page 37) What do you know about galaxies? Agenda Lesson Introduction Lesson Outline Go over outline(?)
OUT page 37 What type of galaxy are we in?
39 40 2/1/2019 Through: Notebook Check 2 2/1/2019 IN: Notebook Check 2 OUT: Notebook Check 2
41 42 2/4/2019 Through: SUBWORK 2/4/2019 IN: SUBWORK OUT: SUBWORK
Tuesday February 5th 2019 Agenda Finish Lesson 4
Today's Objective (write on page 2) 4. Identify what a galaxy is, and be able to distinguish amoung the different galaxies while also identifying our own galaxy the Milky Way. IN: (Page 43) What is the difference between a spiral and an elliptical galaxy Agenda Finish Lesson 4
OUT page 43 Tell me about the Milkey Way, five facts!!
Wednesday February 6th2019 Agenda Finish lesson Do review Outline
Today's Objective (write on page 2) 4. Identify what a galaxy is, and be able to distinguish amoung the different galaxies while also identifying our own galaxy the Milky Way. IN: (Page 45) Explain what happened during the BIG BANG THEORY Agenda Finish lesson Do review Outline
OUT page 45 Describe doppler shift give an example
47 48 2/7/2019 Through: Picture (due 2/8) 2/7/2019 IN: QUIZ Chapter 4 Lesson 4 OUT: Quiz Chapter 4 Lesson 4
UNIT 6: Introduction to Matter
Set up pages 49 and 50 of your notebook. Under your unit learning goal and scale sheet rate yourself on the learning goal. Where are you and why. 49 50 Unit 6: Introduction to Matter Unit Objectives I am a ____ on the learning scale because…
Friday February 8th 2019 Today's Objective (write on page 50) 1. Demonstrate prior knowledge of matter and its properties. 2. Describe the states of matter and how objects get from one state to another. IN: (Page 51) What do you already know about matter? Diagnostic Test Unit introduction if time allows
OUT page 51 What were some of the questions asking you what did you know what didn't you know?
Monday February 11th 2019 Today's Objective (write on page 50) 2. Describe the states of matter and how objects get from one state to another. 3. Understand what matter is and its basic properties IN: (Page 53) What are the three states of matter how do you get from one state to the next? Agenda LAB Start going through lesson
OUT page 53 Summarize the lab from class today. Connect it to the learning goal that we are trying to meet.
Tuesday February 12th 2019 Today's Objective (write on page 50) 2. Describe the states of matter and how objects get from one state to another. 3. Understand what matter is and its basic properties IN: (Page 55) Compare and Contrast Solids, Liquids, and Gases Agenda Go over particle motion Make foldable
OUT page 55 You learned two new vocabulary words today what are they and what do they mean? Tape pages 251 and 252 in your notebook Foldable is due tomorrow!! Do not tape it in your notebook until tomorrow I will let you know what page it is going on tomorrow!
Wednesday February 13th 2019 Today's Objective (write on page 50) 2. Describe the states of matter and how objects get from one state to another. 3. Understand what matter is and its basic properties IN: (Page 57) Describe the movement of particles in a solid and liquid and a gas Agenda Pages Brain Pop!
OUT page 57 What is something you learned today about Matter and the states of matter that you didn't already know? Tape pages 253 and 254 and your fold-able in your through in your notebook
Thursday February 14th 2019 Today's Objective (write on page 50) 2. Describe the states of matter and how objects get from one state to another. 3. Understand what matter is and its basic properties IN: (Page 59) What are three characteristics of a solid, of a liquid, and of a gas? Agenda Finish chapter 5 lesson 1 Summarize it (pg 256) Chapter outline Chapter worksheet
OUT page 59 Compare and Contrast Plasma and Gas Tape pages 255/256 and your worksheet in your through in your notebook
61 62 2/15/2019 Through: Notebook Check 2/15/2019 IN: Notebook Check OUT: Notebook Check
Tuesday February 19th 2019 Today's Objective (write on page 50) 2. Describe the states of matter and how objects get from one state to another. 3. Understand what matter is and its basic properties IN: (Page 63) What is something that a gas can do that a solid can't? What is something that a liquid can do that a solid can't? Agenda Finish chapter 5 lesson 1 Lesson Review (257 and 258) Go over Chapter review and summarize it! Review for Quiz
OUT page 63 How do you plan to prepare for the quiz tomorrow? What is a good way to study? Tape pages 257/258 in your through in your notebook
65 66 2/20/2019 Through: Picture Due 2/21 2/20/2019 IN: Quiz Chapter 5 Lesson 1 OUT: Quiz Chapter 5 Lesson 1
Thursday February 21st 2019 Today's Objective (write on page 50) 2. Describe the states of matter and how objects get from one state to another. 3. Understand what matter is and its basic properties IN: (Page 67) What is meant by the word property? Agenda Mini Lab Lesson Intro
OUT page 67 What is a physical property Tape pages 261 and 262 and your lab in your through in your notebook
69 70 2/22/2019 Through: Subwork 2/22/2019 IN: Subwork OUT: Subwork
71 72 2/25/2019 Through: Subwork 2/25/2019 IN: Subwork OUT: Subwork
Tuesday February 26th 2019 Today's Objective (write on page 50) 2. Describe the states of matter and how objects get from one state to another. 3. Understand what matter is and its basic properties IN: (Page 73) What do you think the difference is between a chemical property and a physical property? Agenda Volume as a physical property Read through lesson Brain pop video
OUT page 73 How do you measure volume Tape pages 263 and 264 in notebook
Wednesday February 27th 2019 Today's Objective (write on page 50) 2. Describe the states of matter and how objects get from one state to another. 3. Understand what matter is and its basic properties IN: (Page 75) How do you find the volume of an irregular solid? Agenda Volume Lab
OUT page 75 Summarize the lab from class Notes from the lab should be in your through
Thursday February 28th 2019 Today's Objective (write on page 50) 2. Describe the states of matter and how objects get from one state to another. 3. Understand what matter is and its basic properties IN: (Page 77) Yesterday we did a lab on volume. If we wanted to find the density of the marbles in that lab what other piece of information would be needed? Agenda Density discussion Density practice
OUT page 77 What are the units that we use for: Density Mass Volume Tape your worksheet in your through
79 80 3/1/2019 Through: Picture due 3/4 3/1/2019 IN: Quiz Mass, Weight, Volume, and Density and Notebook Check OUT: Quiz Mass, Weight, Volume, and Density and Notebook Check
Monday March 4th 2019 Today's Objective (write on page 50) 2. Describe the states of matter and how objects get from one state to another. 3. Understand what matter is and its basic properties IN: (Page 81) Write the formula for finding Density, for finding Mass and for Finding Volume Agenda Density practice
OUT page 81 An object has a mass of 13g and a density of 5g/mL what is the volume of the object Finish the Density Worksheet for homework tonight!! We will go over it tomorrow tape in through page 82
Tuesday March 5th 2019 Today's Objective (write on page 50) 2. Describe the states of matter and how objects get from one state to another. 3. Understand what matter is and its basic properties IN: (Page 83) Density is mass over volume but what does that mean? What is the definition of Density? Agenda Density practice sheet review
OUT page 83 What is the difference between a physical and chemical property Tape Brain POP into today's through pg 84
Wednesday March 6th 2019 Today's Objective (write on page 50) 2. Describe the states of matter and how objects get from one state to another. 3. Understand what matter is and its basic properties IN: (Page 85) A substance has a mass of 22.5g and a Density of 14g/mL. What is the volume of this substance? Agenda Finish going over density worksheet Chapter 5 Lesson 2 Notes
OUT page 85 What is the difference between MASS and WEIGHT? Tape pages 265 and 266 in your through
Thursday March 7th 2019 Today's Objective (write on page 50) 4. Differentiate between physical and chemical changes. 5. Calculate density using mass and volume. IN: (Page 87) Name three physical properties Agenda Mini Quiz Notes on solubility Work in text book
OUT page 87 Which properties are size dependent and which properties are size independent? Tape pages 267 and 268 in your through
Tuesday March 12th 2019 Today's Objective (write on page 50) 4. Differentiate between physical and chemical changes. 5. Calculate density using mass and volume. IN: (Page 89) If a substance has a density of 3g/mL and a volume of 5mL what is the mass of the substance that you have? Agenda Finish notes Get ready for quiz
OUT page 89 What does it mean to be reactive? Tape pages 269 and 270 in your through
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