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Almost there! Congratulations! You have almost reached the end of the semester. With finals week quickly approaching, make sure you are taking care of.

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Presentation on theme: "Almost there! Congratulations! You have almost reached the end of the semester. With finals week quickly approaching, make sure you are taking care of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Almost there! Congratulations! You have almost reached the end of the semester. With finals week quickly approaching, make sure you are taking care of yourself. Manage your time wisely so you are stress-free, rested and prepared for your exams. Take some time to reflect on what went well for you and what you wish you would have done differently if you had the chance to do it all over. Use that information to set goals for next semester. Meet with a Success Coach to set goals for next semester and receive tips on how to maximize your chances for future success. Spring 2019

2 Things to consider this summer
Are there summer classes you could take to remain on track to graduation? What does your academic schedule look like next year? Have we mentioned enrollment is open for summer and fall? It is! Check your degree audit and speak to your advisor about possibilities. What are your housing arrangements? Do you have a financial plan? For information on scholarships, loans and grants, visit Financial Aid For information on reaching financial independence, visit the Office for Student Money Management. What applied learning experience should I consider? Explore internship and cooperative education opportunities. Explore student organization and leadership possibilities. Spring 2019

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