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Study of the Finite Density State based on SU(2) Lattice QCD
Lattice QCD at Finite Density - Personal View of Recent Progress - Study of the Finite Density State based on SU(2) Lattice QCD RIKEN, *IMC at Hiroshima University and **Tokuyama Woman’s College Chiho NONAKA, *Atsushi NAKAMURA and **Shin MUROYA I would like talk about ‘’Study of the Finite Density State based on SU(2) Lattice QCD’’. August 9, 2002
Contents Introduction Recent studies of lattice QCD at finite density
Summary High T, Low m Low T, High m Derivatives of m Reweighting Taylor expansion Imaginary m Two-color QCD Finite Isospin NJL
Introduction (1) Phase diagram Tricritical point
location of critical end point ? Interesting phenomena at finite density color superconductivity super fluid color- flavor locking phase Experiment RHIC, GSI, JHF Critical end point 2SC CFL T m RHIC GSI, JHF From here I move to my main topics. Interesting phenomena such as color superconductivity an color flavor locked phase at finite density is analyzed from theoretical calculation. Now the analyses at finite region is one of the hot topics. From the experimental side, RHIC experiment has been working since But in this experiment the high temperature and low density matter can be created after heavy ion collision. On the other hand, in these experiments, GSI, JHF the low temperature High density matter will be created. Though in even these experiment it will be difficult to hit this region, recently The existence of the precursor of color super conductivity is discussed. Now, how about lattice QCD analyses in finite density? In three-color QCD, the calculation under finite chemical potential is very difficult l because the action becomes complex and we can not performance the naïve Monte Carlo simulation. There are many trial calculation such as Glasgow method and so on, but most of them did not work well. Now we wait the break-through. Ejiri –san discuss the phase diagram in the high temperature and low density region which correspond to RHIC experiment. And Fodor et al. discussed the phase diagram even in finite density. In order to analyze in finite density with lattice calculation QCD like theory In SU(2) lattice QCD there is no difficulty in evaluating the fermion determinant. Because in SU(2) lattice QCD or finite isospin the fermion action becomes real. By using QCD like theory we expect the information of SU(3) physics at Finite density. We argue Concerning SU(2) lattice QCD, Kogut and Sinclair work activitily. 1GeV Neutron star core
Critical End Point Signature of the tricritical point at heavy ion
collisions Stephanov, Rajagopal, and Shuryak, PRL81(1998)4816 Experiment ? Critical end point Tricritical point First order transition Second order transition Fluctuation Correlation length
Kitazawa et al (nucl-th/0111022) (PRD65(2002)091504)
Precursor of CSC This figure is taken from this reference. They discussed the precursor of color superconductivity based on NJL model. Even in GSI and JHF experiment it is difficult to hit just the color superconductivity in phase-diagram. However they proposed the existense of the precursor of color superconductivity in this region. Therefore we may be able to catch the signature of color superconductivity even if we cannot reach the extreme condition where the color superconductivity realize. Kitazawa et al (nucl-th/ ) (PRD65(2002)091504) NJL model
k:hopping parameter quark mass
Introduction (2) Introduction of chemical potential Wilson fermion Phase (sign) problem k:hopping parameter quark mass Next I explain the introduction of chemical potential in lattice QCD. There are two types of fermion action, Kogut-Susskind action and Wilson fermion. Here I explain it about Wilson fermion. Partition function is given like this. In the case of Wilson action the fermion action is written like this. Here \kappa is called hopping parameter and is relation to quark mass. The hopping parameter is smaller, the quark mass is larger. At finite density chemical potential is introduced here and here.
Introduction (3) Phase (Sign) problem High T, Low m
Derivative with respect to m ( m=0) Reweighting Taylor expansion Imaginary m Naive Monte Carlo Calculation does not work ! Critical end point 2SC CFL T m RHIC GSI, JHF Neutron star core High m, Low T Finite isospin Two-color QCD NJL
PS meson screening mass
Low m (1) Hadron mass response to chemical potential S.Choe et al. (QCD-Taro collaboration PRD65:054501,2002) Standard gauge + Staggered fermion T 1st response very small m 2nd response PS meson screening mass
Allton et al. (Bielefeld-Swansea)
Low m (2) Reweighting Fodor and Katz Allton et al. (Bielefeld-Swansea) Taylor expansion at high T and low m Multi-parameter reweighting technique
Low m (3) Fodor-Katz, JHEP03(2002)014 Standard gauge
+ Staggered fermion
Low m (4) Allton et al. (Bielefeld-Swansea) hep-lat/0204010 170 MeV
Improved action + Improved staggered fermion ma=0.29
Low m (5) Imaginary Chemical Potential At small m Z(3) symmetry
deForcrand and Philipsen hep-lat/ (D’Elia and Lombardo hep-lat/ ) At small m Z(3) symmetry Standard gauge + Staggered fermion
Summary 1 (Low m) Fodor-Katz Allton et al. deForcrand-Philipsen Consistent !?
Allton et al. (Bielefeld-Swansea)
Summary 2 (Low m) Limitation of method Taylor expansion at small m Phase They do not work in high m and low T region. Allton et al. (Bielefeld-Swansea) hep-lat/
Limitation of calculation
Recent studies of lattice QCD at finite density Derivatives of m Reweighting Taylor expansion Imaginary m High T, Low m Two-color QCD Finite Isospin Low T, High m Limitation of calculation
Monte Carlo Calculations work !
High m (1) Effective theory Finite Isospin Two-color QCD Monte Carlo Calculations work !
High m (2) Finite Isospin High T, Low m: QCD –Taro PRD65:054501,2002
Kogut and Sinclair hep-lat/ Quench:Kogut and Sinclair hep-lat/ , Gupta hap-lat/ High T, Low m: QCD –Taro PRD65:054501,2002 Allton et al. (Bielefeld-Swansea) hep-lat/ Pion condensation Neutron star core Charged pion condensate: Standard gauge + Staggered fermion m=0.025, 0.05
High m (3) Finite isospin T 1st m 1st T=0, 2nd
Kogut and Sinclair hep-lat/ Son and Stephanov,PRL86(2001)592 Wilson Line T m 1st 1st T=0, 2nd
Analyses for Two-color QCD
SU(2) lattice gauge theory at Nakamura (PLB140(1984)391) The first calculation, Pseudo-Fermion Method Hands,Kogut,Lombardo and Morrison (NPB558(’99)327) Staggered fermion, HMC and Molecular dynamics Hands,Montvay,Morrison,Oevers,Scorzato and Skullerud , Eur.Phys.J. C17 (2000) 285 (hep-lat/ ) Staggered fermion, HMC and Two-Step Multi-Boson algorithm Kogut, Toublan and Sinclair PLB514 (2001) 77 (hep-lat/ ) Kogut, Sinclair, Hands and Morrison PRD64(2001) (hep-lat/ ) Kogut, Toublan, and Sinclair hep-lat/ Our group (hep-lat/001007, hep-lat/ , hep-lat/ ) Wilson fermion, Link-by-Link update Now I present the analysis for SU(2) lattice QCD. First calculation under SU(2) is done this one, uging, pseudo-fermion method. Recently Hands, Kogut, Siclair work
SU(2) (1) The phase diagram of Four Flavor SU(2)
Kogut et al. PRD64(2001)094505(hep-lat/ ) Diquark condensation Standard gauge + Staggered fermion Kogut et al. did many works about SU(2) lattice QCD and finite isosipn density. But here I introduce the result about diquark condensation. In SU(2) QCD diquark is singlet. Therefore they introduce this source term in fermion action in order to evaluate the diquark condensation. They measure this value by changing \lambda and extrapolate from finite Value to zero. Then they evaluate the diquark condensation. Please see this reference in detail.
SU(2) (2) Kogut et al. PLB514 (2001) 77 (hep-lat/ ), hep-lat/ 1 m=0.4 T 0.5 Diquark condensation 1 2 0.4 m=0.3 m T m Standard gauge + Staggered fermion 1 b 1.5
SU(2) (3) Staggered fermion almost studies Wilson fermion
Muroya, Nakamura and Nonaka hep-lat/001007, hep-lat/ , hep-lat/
Algorithm Evaluation of det W
Full QCD and Lattice QCD at finite density Evaluation of det W needs high computer performance. (quench approximation detW = 1 ) Exact Algorithm (det W) 1) by CG (Conjugate Gradient) 2)・Links in H(Hypercube) are updated by Metropolis ・ are obtained by Woodbury’s formula 3)go to the next Hypercube Here I would like explain the algorithm, though this is slightly In this calculation we use the exact algorithm in which fermion determinant is evaluated exactly. The clow of calculation is as follows, First we focus on the a part of whole link, here. We call this hypercube. In this region links in hypercube are updated by Metropolis. And the new value of inverse of fermion matrix is obtaind by Woodbury’s Formula. Third, we go to next hypercube. Using this procedure the whole links are updated link by link. Therefore this calculation needs very high computer performance. However we can easily achange the number of flavor of fermion. Here I report the result of two flavor and three flavor. whole link
Numerical Results hep-lat/0208006
Anti periodic (b=0.7,Nf=2) Iwasaki action + Wilson fermion 0.2 Anti periodic, periodic (spatial direction) Lattice size Nf=2,3 Phase survey Baryon number density Gluon energy density Polyakov line Polyakov line susceptibility Meson, diquark propagator qq,qq (confinement-deconfinement) Polyakov line correlation Gluon Propagator 0.18 k mc ? 4 0.16 4 0.14 ma periodic (b=0.7,Nf=2) 0.2 Here I talk about the numerical results. We use Iqasaki action for gauge action and Wilson fermion for fermion action. The physical phenomena should not change for the lattice size and boundary condition. Therefore we perform the calculation under anti-periodic boundary condition And periodic boundary condition in spatial direction. First we did phase survey in (\beta, \kappa, \mu) parameter space with 4 to forth lattise size. Here we focus on the critical chemical potential from the thermodynamical quantities, such as baryon number density, gluon energy density and polyakov line. This figure shows the calculation parameter in the case of the anti-periodic boundary condition. And this figure shows the calculation parameter in the case of the periodic boundary condition. From this result we analyze the meson and diquark propagator and force between quark and quark and anti-quark and quark. 0.18 k 0.16 0.14 ma
Thermodynamical Quantities
Baryon number density Gluon energy density This figure indicates the thermodinamical quantities such as Baryon number density, gluon energy density and polyakov line as a function of chemical quantities. These values increase with chemical potential, respectivily. We can not see the sharp increase in thease quqntities because The lattice size is small. Form this result we are nere to confinement deconfinement Phase transition, these phisical quantities are not order parameter in the strict sense.
Thermodynamical Quantities
4 Nf=2, 4 b = 0.7 Baryon number density Gluon energy density ma k k ma This figure shows thermodinamical quantities as a function of \kappa and \mu. These physical quantities increase with chemical potential. But the dependence on \kappa is small without the expectation value of Polyakov line. From these results we determine the parameter set (\kappa, \mu) under which we calculate the meson and diquark propagator, gluon propagator and so on. Form these figure we can not see the clear critical chamical potential. Next I show the Polyakov line susceptibility. Polyakov line k ma
Polyakov line Susceptibility
4 X8 3 Anti periodic (spatial direction) periodic (spatial direction) k=0.160 0.0002 0.0001 This figure indicates the Polyakof line susceptibility as a function of chemical potential in both case of anti-periodic boundary condition and Periodic boundary condition. Form this figure we can see the sharp peak. For example, if the hopping parameter is equal to the peak is located Around 0.8 and if the hopping parameter is equal to the peak is located Around 0.7. Because the large hopping parameter means small quark mass and In the case of small quark mass the effect of chemical potential is large. And the right part of figure shows the result under periodic boundary condition. In this case we can see the similar peak. This results does not depend on boundary condition. 0.4 0.8 ma
Propagator 4 X8 Anti-periodic meson Pseudoscalar(p) : Vector(r) :
3 Anti-periodic meson Pseudoscalar(p) : Vector(r) : diquark t: Pauli matrix Next I show the meson and diquark propagator which show the Pseudoscalar (b1b): Scalar (b5b) :
Propagator 4 X8 3 Anti-periodic From this figure we can see the
r at Finite Density 4 X8 Periodic , k = 0.160
3 Periodic , k = 0.160 Clear evidence of r meson decrease at finite chemical potential !
r at Finite Chemical Potential
Peculiar behavior of r at finite density Anti-perodic boundary condition a a Mass of r becomes small !
r at Finite Chemical Potential
Peculiar behavior of r at finite density Periodic boundary condition a a Mass of r becomes small ! Comparison with effective theory & experiment
Effective Theory In-medium properties of hadrons in dense matter
G. E. Brown and M. Rho, Phys. Rev. Lett. (1991) 2720 Brown-Rho scaling Yokokawa et al.(hep-ph/ ) Simultaneous softening of s and r mesons associated with chiral restoration Harada et al.(hep-ph/ ) Vector meson mass vanishing at m effective field theory with hidden local symmetry Hatsuda and Lee (PRC46,R34(1992)) QCD sum rule c SU(3) SU(2)
Larger enhancement at 40 AGeV compared to 158 AGeV
Compressed Baryonic Matter Workshop, May 13-16, 2002, GSI Darmstadt: H. Appelshaeuser, Dileptons from Pb-Au Collisions at 40 AGeV
qq/qq Potential at Finite Density
Color averaged potential qq potential preliminary No difference SU(2) m=0.0 m=0.4 m=0.6 m=0.7 1.4 1.2 1 4 R 8
Polyakov Line Correlation
Color dependent potential qq potential SU(2) ; V1=Va, V3=Vs
Polyakov Line Correlation
Singlet Triplet preliminary V1 V3 0.1 m=0.0 m=0.4 m=0.6 m=0.7 0.1 m=0.0 m=0.4 m=0.6 m=0.7 -0.1 -0.1 4 8 4 8 R R
Gluon Propagator 8X4x12X4, Nf=3, k=0.170 preliminary Screening mass 1
Free m=0.0 m=0.7 Confinement Deconfinement Phase transition? 6 12 Z
Gluon Propagator 8X4X12X4, Nf=3, k=0.170 preliminary 10 1 m=0.0 m=0.4
0.01 6 12 Z
Medium effect on qq potential
Results Phase survey in Various lattice sizes, boundary conditions, Nf=2, 3 Thermodynamical quantities Baryon number density, Gluon energy density, Polyakov line, Polyakov line susceptibility Confinement/deconfinement phase transition Meson & diquark propagators Meson & diquark spectroscopy Clear evidence of the vector meson decrease at finite chemical potential qq,qq (preliminary) Polyakov line correlation Gluon Propagator confinement – deconfinement (k,m) parameter space mc ? Medium effect on qq potential
Summary High T, Low m Low T, High m Derivatives of m Reweighting
Taylor expansion Imaginary m Phase diagram EoS Effective theory Limitation of calculation T m QGP Hadron Superfluid/ superconducting critical point x Two-color QCD Finite Isospin NJL Phase diagram Diquark condensation Pion condensation Behavior of vector meson
new algorithm, new method
Break - through new algorithm, new method
2003 年奈良へ ! 世話人:国広 悌二,中村 純,初田 哲男
Kitazawa et al. hep-lat/020207255
vector interaction on chiral and color superconducting NJL model
Ratio of det W (1) Numerical instability k = 0.156, m = 0.8
Eigen Values of W Phase transition ?
c c m=0.2 m=0.2 L c m=0.1
Algorithm (2) For a sub-set H(Hypercube) Woodbury’s formula Then
whole link
Screening of hot gluon A.Nakamura, I.Pushkina, T.Saito, S. Sakai
20X20X32X6 quench approximation
Polyakov Loop Iwasaki action k=0.150
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