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This presentation includes forward-looking statements. Actual future conditions (including economic conditions, energy demand, and energy supply) could.

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Presentation on theme: "This presentation includes forward-looking statements. Actual future conditions (including economic conditions, energy demand, and energy supply) could."— Presentation transcript:

1 This presentation includes forward-looking statements. Actual future conditions (including economic conditions, energy demand, and energy supply) could differ materially due to changes in technology, the development of new supply sources, political events, demographic changes, and other factors discussed herein (and in Item 1 of ExxonMobils latest report on Form 10-K). This material is not to be reproduced without the permission of Exxon Mobil Corporation. ExxonMobil Beaumont Chemical Plant Steam Integration Project Industrial Energy Technology Conference ACC Energy Award – Exceptional Merit May 20 – 21, 2010 New Orleans, LA Terry L. Long

2 2 Beaumont Complex

3 3 Background The ExxonMobil Beaumont Complex is an integrated refining and petrochemical manufacturing facility. Energy optimization across the Complex requires flexibility to accommodate variations in operations, seasonality, maintenance outages, etc. The steam system spans the Complex and is generated from various sources Conventional boilers Gas turbine generators/ heat recovery steam generators Waste heat recovery boilers Steam is distributed and consumed at multiple locations and at various levels Evolution across the site can lead to isolated steam imbalances

4 4 The Opportunity A synergistic opportunity was identified to significantly improve the overall energy efficiency of the Complex. The Chemicals site had evolved over time to produce an excess of medium pressure steam with no effective disposition within the chemical plant boundaries The Refinery had a need for this valuable energy resource. A project was conceived to install piping and control systems to export the excess medium pressure steam to the adjacent Refinery where the steam could be more efficiently utilized. However, before the project could be executed, mother nature intervened with Hurricane Ike, placing a major obstacle in the way of achieving the energy efficiency goal.

5 5 The Obstacle: Hurricane Ike Aftermath With 10 feet of water in the plant, an epic restoration effort would be necessary, calling on all available Chemical Plant resources.

6 6 The Challenge: Restore the Plant and Progress the Energy Project Hurricane Ikes storm surge had inundated the Chemical Plant with saltwater.

7 7 Energy as a Priority First priority was to SAFELY restore operations across the entire Complex Requiring a major rebuild of the Chemical Plant Management maintained emphasis on energy efficiency improvements Did not want to lose the momentum leading up to the hurricane Steam balance optimization A recognized enabler to capture efficiencies To realize energy efficiency improvements, fuel must be saved With Chemical resources fully occupied rebuilding the Chemical Plant, the team leveraged the assistance of the Beaumont Refinery Reliability Task Force to execute the project 1800 feet of 14 inch diameter pipe along with control valves and instrumentation

8 8 Execution: Parallel Construction Effort Objective: Execute the Energy Project on a FAST TRACK basis Refinery Reliability Task Force championed the design and construction of the project Completed in just seven months, a month ahead of schedule and with zero injuries Chemical resources focused on the rebuild of the Chemical Plant Plant operations restored in August 2009, nine months after Ike landfall

9 9 The Results New Steam Export Facilities Energy efficiency benefits realized Key messages Constant attention to energy improvement adds value Basic projects continue to emerge Well-engineered solutions deliver results Key learnings Focused task force can deliver and exceed expectations

10 10 Teamwork This teams efforts demonstrate ExxonMobils commitment to continuous improvement in energy efficiency and emissions reduction while also seeking opportunities to promote energy conservation. Left to Right: Gerald Font, Gene Childress, Donnie Dickerson, Dick Townsend, Scott McCauley, Terry Long Not Pictured: Randy Stephan, Robert Taylor

11 11 Thank You Questions?

12 12 Speaker Notes Although the Beaumont Chemical Plant was recovering from devastating damage caused by Hurricane Ike, this team refused to accept a delay in implementation of an identified opportunity to complete an energy efficiency project: delivering medium-pressure steam from the Chemical Plant, to the Companys Refinery next door. Since Chemical resources were fully occupied rebuilding the chemical plant, the team requested the assistance of the Beaumont Refinery Task Force to install the 1,800-foot, 14- inch diameter pipe and instrumentation needed to transfer the steam. The Task Force fast- tracked design and construction, completing the project in just seven months, a month ahead of schedule, under budget and with zero injuries. Chemical Plant operations were restored in August 2009. The benefits were immediate and significant. Net fuel savings are about $2.2 million per year, with a 2.5 to 3-point improvement in the Chemical Plants Energy Efficiency Index and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from the Beaumont Complex of more than 16,000 tons per year. The new facilities have the ability to greatly increase the steam export rate from the Chemical Plant to compensate for steam shortfalls at the Refinery. This came in handy during the first week of operation, when the Chemical Plant provided additional steam during an unplanned outage at the Refinery thereby preventing a production setback. This Teams efforts demonstrate ExxonMobils commitment to continuous improvement in energy efficiency and emissions reductions while also seeking opportunities to promote energy conservation.

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