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Build a Foundation for Your Argument

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Presentation on theme: "Build a Foundation for Your Argument"— Presentation transcript:

1 Build a Foundation for Your Argument

2 Topic To what communities do you belong? What topic in one of these communities is important to you?

3 Issue Under that broad topic are many issues. What issue that you have heard or read about seems most important to you and about which you’d like to know more?

4 Initial Research Find overview article on issue.
Begin list of search terms. Begin list of people or groups who have an interest in your issue. Begin list of questions you need to answer.

5 Issue Proposal Write an issue proposal addressing the these items:
Introduce the issue, and then present it in question form. Explain why it is compelling/interesting to you. Why is the issue important at this time? Describe what you already know about it. Explain what more you need to learn.

6 Audience Who might be your target audience?
Perform an audience analysis addressing these items: 1. Who is your audience? 2. What are the demographics of the group? 3. What exactly is at issue? Will your audience agree with you on what the issue is? 4. Does the issue have a practical side to it? 5. What beliefs do you and your audience have about the issue?

7 Claim Develop your claim in one sentence. It should answer these questions: Where do I stand on this issue? What point of view do I want my audience to accept at the end of my argument? What is my purpose in delivering this argument?

8 Claim What kind of claim will yours be? Fact based Problem-based,
Definition based Evaluation based Cause or consequence based

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