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The Theory of Evolution

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1 The Theory of Evolution

2 A. What is a Theory? Explanations supported by evidence to unite facts 2. Evolution is a theory, like: a. Electromagnetism, germ theory, plate tectonics, atomic theory

3 B. Evolution: Changes in life over many generations Process by which modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms Any change in the frequencies of alleles in a gene pool

4 C. Gene Pool: 1. consists of all the alleles in all individuals that make up a population 2. reservoir where next generation draws it genes from 3. where genetic variation is stored

5 D. History of Evolution 1. Lamarck: evolution worked through use and disuse (proven false), could change over 1 generation A. Examples: 1) Lift weights and build muscle  kids will be strong 2) Giraffes: stretch neck to reach leaves on trees, offspring will have long necks

6 http://www. princessleia. com/images/MyImages/essays/giraffe_lamark

7 2. Charles Darwin: Galapagos Islands near equator off South America b. Studied the diversity of Life c. Theory of Natural Selection d. Published “On the Origin of Species” e. Variations must be inherited over many generations

8 Darwin and Mendel Darwin’s inherited variation = genes
Darwin and Mendel were doing their studies at the same time No evidence that they knew what the other was doing

9 http://colombianflowers. files. wordpress

10 Galapagos Finches: different size and shaped beaks that have evolved to take advantage of distinct food sources

11 Evolution vs. Adaptations
An Individual can adapt to the environment A weed can grow taller to take advantage of sun when surrounded by other weeds Weed must have genes to grow tall Weed has those genes as a product of evolution Populations evolve

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