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What can we do to stop burglars breaking into our properties?

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Presentation on theme: "What can we do to stop burglars breaking into our properties?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What can we do to stop burglars breaking into our properties?

2 Evidence to support source B is…
How easily did William The Conqueror gain control of the English people? Evidence to support source B is… 1067- 1069- Evidence to support source C is… 1068- 1070- 1072- 1075-

3 Why did William the Conqueror build castles?
Dlaczego Wilhelm Zdobywca budować zamki? OBJECTIVES: To understand how William the Conqueror defended his territory To know the strengths and weaknesses of early Norman castles

4 This is Warwick Castle. Can you see what sort of defences the castle had? Why would it have been difficult to capture Warwick Castle?

5 Use the label descriptions to identify and label the key features of the Motte and Bailey castle.

6 MOTTE - A defensive hill approximately 15 metres high
BAILEY – A large courtyard containing stores, stables and kitchens KEEP - The highest point of the castle designed for looking out for enemy troops DRAWBRIDGE – Wooden bridge which crossed the defensive ditches PALISADE – A wooden fence built around the perimeter of the castle Stockade- a wooden fenced area on top of the motte with the keep inside. DITCH – A large dug out trench surrounding the castle (called a moat when filled with water)


8 This map shows the places where William the Conqueror built the first castles.
If you were an English rebel, how would you attack a Motte and Bailey castle?

9 Describe the defensive strengths of a Motte and Bailey castle
Describe the defensive weaknesses of a Motte and Bailey castle Explain why these were the castles which William’s army built in large numbers

10 King William is very worried about the number of successful attacks on the Motte and Bailey castles.
Write a short report explaining how the defences of the castles could be improved to make them more secure

11 A Report On Improving The Motte and Bailey Castle.
Dear William, I am aware that our Motte and Bailey castles have been successfully attacked recently by vicious English rebels! We can strengthen them by:

12 A Report On Improving The Motte and Bailey Castle.
Dear William, I am aware that our Motte and Bailey castles have been successfully attacked recently by vicious English rebels! We can strengthen them by:

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