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Defenders of Wildlife Alejandra Goyenechea November 25, 2014

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1 Defenders of Wildlife Alejandra Goyenechea November 25, 2014
©Corel Corporation Alejandra Goyenechea November 25, 2014 Santa Marta, Colombia Defenders of Wildlife

2 Strategic Plan Mission: Conservation Vision: Conservation Approach:
Defenders of Wildlife is a national, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the protection of all native animals and plants in their natural communities. Conservation Vision: Diverse wildlife populations in North America are secure and thriving, sustained by a network of healthy lands and waters. Conservation Approach: Prevent species and their habitats from becoming imperiled Protect endangered and threatened species and their habitats Restore the health of once-vulnerable species and their habitats



5 Attorneys at Defenders of Wildlife
Domestic law (litigation, advocacy) International law Legislation and lobbying Congress Policy analysis Field office staff Defenders of Wildlife

6 International Laws Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (Latin America: Plants, Amphibians, Marines) Convention on Migratory Species (Marine species) International Whaling Commission Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (Sharks) International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (Sharks) Defenders of Wildlife

7 Sharks and rays Present in CITES assisting Parties
Worked on marine proposals since 2000 Present in CMS assisting Parties Co-Chair of the Species Survival Network (SSN) Shark and Amphibian Working Group Shark (same) apex predators ( chouten no hoshoku-sha) ecosystem (seitaikei)

8 Shark Finning Support Parties on finning bans/fins attached
Large sharks are overfished globally For many species of large sharks, populations are down by 90+%

9 Shark Finning Shark fin (fukahire)

10 Shark Identification Guides
Visual and DNA 2013: Defenders co-organized workshop in Brazil for 28 countries on identifying shark fins

11 Defenders and Shark Conservation – U.S.

12 Defenders and Shark Conservation – U.S.
Endangered Species Act – can list U.S. or foreign species In 2014, National Marine Fisheries Service lists four distinct population segments of scalloped hammerhead sharks outside U.S. waters under ESA Defenders works for strong fishing regulations to prevent bycatch

13 ESA Campaign Building ESA political support is fundamental to: accelerating species recovery, increasing funding and defending the Act in Congress

14 Co-existence

15 Practical nonlethal tools

16 Sawtooth National Recreation Area.
This is where we are doing some of the testing into the effectiveness of fladry.

17 Electric fencing powered by solar energy

18 Questions? For more information about Defenders of Wildlife, visit Defenders of Wildlife

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