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IEEE Meeting St Louis March 2002

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1 IEEE 802.11 Meeting St Louis March 2002
Report on the Industry Advisory Group Meeting in Redmond January 29, 2002 Amer Hassan Microsoft

2 All presentations of the IAG meetings can be found at the Website

3 52 Participants Proxim Symbol Tech Envara Boeing TI
National Semiconductor Siemens Intel Cisco Systems TDK Corp Microsoft 3Com Microsoft Texas Instruments Appairent AMD Silicon Wave Samsung Electro-mechanics Sony Electronics Realtek Systemonic Philips Ericsson Siemens Boeing Mobilian Acer Laboratories 3Com Proxim Valence Semiconductor Digital Networks Connexion by Boeing Philips Boeing Dell Computer Corp Icefyre Semi Mobilian Toshiba Consultant Aware Resonext Comsilica Woodside Hewlett Packard M-TEC Wireless LinCom Wireless Acer Laboratories Inc.

4 What was accomplished…
A global standard in 5 GHz TG-h Spectrum activities Collaboration between ETSI-BRAN and IEEE / and MMAC Achieved good goals!

5 Where we are… Discussing future IAG role Provide usage scenarios
Marketing requirements Interact with Standards WNG Partnership project Other option

6 Agenda: 1. Standards Updates IEEE802.11 – Stuart K.
IEEE – Bob H. ETSI-BRAN – Jamshid K-J 2. BRAN#25 – Erik S. 3. WNG – TK Tan 4. Do We Need a Next Generation WLAN – Garth H. 5. Updates to Requirements from Networking Workshop (e.g., True time) – Erik S. 6. Boeing Next Generation Networking Requirements – Richard Paine 7. Range/Power/BW Tradeoffs – Tim W.

7 Examples -- WL Requirements
Always ON Zero – configuration Interoperability Interworking (WAN, LAN, PAN, ,,) Global Roaming Secure channel, data, transactions Coexistence Dropped ‘5’ Erik S.

8 Lesson In each case there was a root cause (RC) driving the paradigm shift and the RC was not always the same (i.e., cost reduction) and it was not a huge list of requirements. Point – is there an RC to drive a WLAN Paradigm Shift and how do we find out? Garth H.

9 Call to Action Proposed
Form committees NOW to define: Quantify Primary requirements of Future WLAN Quantify limitations of current technology Convene in 1Q to compare and decide on future direction If decision to proceed warranted Form committees to investigate: MAC Alternatives PHY Alternatives Higher Layer Alternatives Repeat until architecture defined and then standardize Garth H.

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