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Bell Work: Imagine waking up to the following headlines.

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1 Bell Work: Imagine waking up to the following headlines.
(1) SNEAK ATTACK ON U.S.S MAINE!!!! _________ (2) U.S.S. Maine Sinks. Answer the following questions in your journal in COMPLETE sentences. How would you feel if you were to wake up reading the first headline? What would you think if you were to wake up to read the second headline? What are the differences?

2 The Spanish-American War

3 The Spanish Empire Spain had built a worldwide empire
All but destroyed by 1890, only a few colonies remained Philippine Islands Cuba Puerto Rico Many of the colonies began demanding independence

4 Cubans Rebel Cubans had unsuccessfully revolted against Spain several times In 1895 – poor economic conditions caused Cubans to rebel against Spanish rule Rebels were treated harshly and many forced into concentration camps guarded by Spanish troops Thousands died of starvation and disease

5 Vocab Check!! What is persuasive journalism called??
Yellow Journalism Cuban fighting caused alarm in US Business leaders feared disruption to trade that could hurt US economy Major competing newspapers took advantage of the situation Yellow Journalism was used to increase sales Sensational style of writing that exaggerates the facts Vocab Check!! What is persuasive journalism called??

6 First we must go back to this guy 
To War or Not to War First we must go back to this guy  US President William McKinley ( ) He did not want war but public opinion forces him to get involved The U.S. demanded Spain halt the harsh treatment of Cubans Battleship, U.S.S. Maine is sent to protect Cubans

7 “Remember the Maine!” February 15, 1898 – U.S.S. Maine explodes killing 266 American soldiers No one knows why Today, many historians believe it was an accident but at the time most Americans blamed Spain

8 To War We Go! McKinley signed a congressional resolution calling for Cuba’s independence and a withdrawal of Spanish forces Spain responded by breaking off diplomatic relations with the US

9 United States of the WORLD?

10 What’s With the Philippines???
Filipinos were rebelling against Spain The first major battle takes place in the Philippines Led by American Commander George Dewey with support of the rebel forces & leader US forces destroyed the Spanish fleet Filipino rebels took control of Manila Dewey Chewies! American Commodore George Dewey led the attack on the Spanish fleet at Manila, the Philippine capital city Supported by Filipino rebels

11 US Army Recruits Over 200, 000 joined including Theodore Roosevelt (prior to his presidency) Roosevelt helped organize the First US Volunteer Calvary, nicknamed the “Rough Riders” When the War began there were only 28,000 men enlisted but within 4 months over 200,000 men had joined. Rough rider recruits were cowboys, miners, college students, new york policemen, athletes, and Native Americans. Teddy had resigned from his post as a US Naval Department worker to volunteer. There were 15,000 soldiers in the rough riders and it included African American regiments.

12 Meanwhile in Cuba… The first Rough Riders and troops to arrive in the Caribbean were not prepared for the climate and their wool uniforms caused many to fall ill The goal was to gain control of the port at Santiago but the first had to capture San Juan Hill July 1st - African American troops drove the Spanish south with other Rough Rider troops backing them July 17th - The city surrendered and the Spanish fleet was destroyed

13 The Treaty of Paris ends Spanish-American War in 1898
Cuba – independence from treaty, but remained under American military control Platt Amendment added to Cuban constitution allowing US to intervene in Cuban affairs US naval base allowed at Guantanamo Bay Puerto Rico – became a US territory Philippines – rebelled against US idea of becoming a colony, rebellion put down in 1902

14 The Anti-Imperialist League Emerges
Some Americans felt disappointed and disagreed with the treatment of the former Spanish Colonies Several influential Americans such as Andrew Carnegie, Jane Adams, and Mark Twain spoke out against Imperialism Members of the Anti- Imperialism League believed that Americans should not deny others the right to govern themselves

15 Grudge ball! Spain Yellow Journalism Rough Riders
What empire originally had control of Cuba, the Philippines, and Puerto Rico? Spain What type of journalism began to dominate the newspapers during this time? Yellow Journalism Teddy Roosevelt was famously a member of this group who fought in the Caribbean? Rough Riders Name one of the economic reasons for imperialism. Search for new markets, search for raw materials, to maintain industrial prosperity (prevent strain of industrialization)


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