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Put it on the map! Monitoring tools for EU supported integrated urban and territorial strategies REGIO-JRC workshop 11/10/2018, 9:30-11:00.

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Presentation on theme: "Put it on the map! Monitoring tools for EU supported integrated urban and territorial strategies REGIO-JRC workshop 11/10/2018, 9:30-11:00."— Presentation transcript:

1 Put it on the map! Monitoring tools for EU supported integrated urban and territorial strategies REGIO-JRC workshop 11/10/2018, 9:30-11:00

2 Speakers: Three objective:
How EU supports integrated territorial and urban development? What progress can we see at different levels? What can we learn for the future? Péter Takács, DG REGIO Martina Pertoldi, JRC Sabrina Abdi, CEGT (FR) Alessandra de Renzis, MA Tuscany (IT) Ina Homeier, Smart City Wien (AT) Contact us:

3 What is integrated territorial development?
A place-based strategic approach to address complex and interlinked challenges of different places, which can include Multi-sectoral approach Multi-level governance Multi-stakeholder approach Multi-fund approach Functional area approach

4 ESIF support to Integrated territorial development 2014-2020
More than 9% (EUR 32 billion) of Cohesion Policy funds Around 8% (EUR 15 billion) of ERDF to sustainable urban development More than 1000 strategies Sustainable urban development strategies (Article 7, SUD) Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) Multi-thematic urban priority axis Operational Programme Integrated strategies for other territories Integrated Territorial Investment strategies Community-led local development strategies (CLLD) Can be supported from Cohesion policy as well Source: Van der Zwet A, Miller S and Gross F (2014) A First Stock Take: Integrated Territorial Approaches in Cohesion Policy EPRC

5 ESIF Open Data Platform
EUR 10,7 billion has been allocated to projects (33% of the planned allocation) Slower start due to the novelty and complexity, but project selection is catching up Available online at: Sustainable urban development strategies (Article 7, SUD) Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) Multi-thematic urban priority axis Operational Programme Integrated strategies for other territories Integrated Territorial Investment strategies Community-led local development strategies (CLLD) Can be supported from Cohesion policy as well

6 REGIO Study on Integrated Territorial and Urban Strategies
EPRC (2017) – "Integrated territorial and urban strategies: how are ESIF adding value in " Published in December 2017 Objective: Collect and analyse EU supported strategies for territorial and urban development. Available online at: General conclusion: promote implementation of place-based approaches to regional and local development represent integrated development encourage significant institutional innovation in regional and local development facilitate cooperation and networks among different centres/areas Should embody flexibility (main characteristic of territorial approaches)

7 REGIO-JRC collaboration on Integrated Territorial and Urban Strategies
To support knowledge management of EU measures for integrated urban and territorial development by: Creating an integrated knowledge base Assessing existing methodologies and practices put in place across different levels Available online at:

8 Monitoring approaches
ESIF programme monitoring system: Projects selected by urban authorities; results fed into the OP monitoring system. ESIF strategy monitoring system: Shared between the implementing body and the programme authority. Urban authorities interested not just in contribution to programmes, but also in the impacts on the territory. Domestic strategy monitoring system: For pre-existing strategies, results are measured in terms of their contributions to the city contract, not all part of the OP.

9 Be part of the discussion!
Event Code: #strat2018 Type in your browser, and then enter the code! You do not need to download anything! You won`t hand over your personal data!

10 Speakers: Three objective:
How EU supports integrated territorial and urban development? What progress can we see at different levels? What can we learn for the future? Péter Takács, DG REGIO Martina Pertoldi, JRC Sabrina Abdi, CEGT (FR) Alessandra de Renzis, MA Tuscany (IT) Ina Homeier, Smart City Wien (AT)

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