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Did you know? According to Miss Miller, 75% of students read directly off of the screen while using a visual aid?

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Presentation on theme: "Did you know? According to Miss Miller, 75% of students read directly off of the screen while using a visual aid?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Did you know? According to Miss Miller, 75% of students read directly off of the screen while using a visual aid?

2 Include the essentials. Look at your audience. Refer to it.
Delivery Include the essentials. Look at your audience. Refer to it.

3 Conclusion Visual aids, when used correctly, add clarity to a presentation and can engage the audience. However, if used incorrectly, visual aids can distract the audience from the content of the speech, can confuse the speaker and ruin delivery, or can add nothing at all to the speech. It’s important to remember to incorporate the visual aid appropriately and practice using it.

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