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4 Major Steps in Solving Technological Problems

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1 4 Major Steps in Solving Technological Problems

2 Step 1: Identify the Problem (Chap
Step 1: Identify the Problem (Chap.9) (EDP: Identify need or problem, Research and Brainstorm) a) Define the problem: Describe the situation that needs a solution (ex. jewelry board) Establish the criteria/conditions under which the solution must operate (ex. it must hang, it must hold rings etc) Typically there are 5 criteria that must be considered Think and talk about each of these criteria as they might relate to your product and once you come up with them jot down at least 3 for each criteria on the sheet provided

3 5 Criteria/Constraints for Defining a Problem (under what conditions must the solution operate?)
Technical or Engineering Criteria and constraints Describe how your device will operate and any safety considerations your device must meet 2. Environmental Criteria indicate the desired relationship between the device and its environment Describe how the product will be used, where it will be used, and by whom Production Criteria Describe the resources available to produce the product Based on natural, human and machine resources available(i.e. what materials could your product be made of, who will make it and where will it be made) Market Criteria Identify the function, appearance, and value of your product To do this you must talk to the user to see what they want Financial Criteria Determine amount of $ required to make vs use the device

4 Step 1: Identify the Problem (Chap.9)
b) Gathering Information (Research): Obtain background information (through brainstorming and research) that you need to begin developing the solution Your research must include information about: History: what products or devices have been developed in the past to solve similar problems (patent searches are helpful) Science: what natural laws and principles must be considered to develop and produce your product Human: what human factors will affect the acceptance of your product. Identify who will be using your device, how will they be using it, what do they want to use for, for how long, when etc. Legal: what legal considerations will you need to make in order to develop your product and ensure it can be used Ethical: describes the values people have toward similar products. Identify what they are and what ethical issues might need to be considered when developing your product Technological: about materials , energy and processes that could be used to develop, produce and operate the device or system.

5 Step 2: Develop the Solution (Chap
Step 2: Develop the Solution (Chap.10) (EDP: Develop Possible Solutions, Select Best) a) Brainstorm several solutions: Come up with several different possible solutions that could solve the problem b) Isolate, refine, details and then select the best solution(s): Agree on 1-3 solutions you think will work best Jot down notes about how each will work Create sketches

6 Step 3: Evaluate the Solution (Chap
Step 3: Evaluate the Solution (Chap.11) (EDP: Construct protoype, Test and Evaluate, Redesign) a) Model the best solutions: Do this through graphical (CAD programs like SolidWorks or Google Sketch-Up) or physical prototypes b) Select the best solution: Compare your top solutions in terms of economic, market, technical, production, and environmental criteria Pick a final solution that best fits the criteria based on testing and analysis/evaluation.

7 Step 4: Communicate the Solution (Chap.12) (EDP:Same)
Interpret the solution: Create detailed drawings and reports such as engineering drawing, bill of materials(ie. what you will need to make your device, how much, what will each part cost), spec sheets b) Present the final solution: Oral and written reports to obtain final approval May include patent application to protect your product from infringement/getting ripped off

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