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Muscular System.

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1 Muscular System

2 I. Muscular System Anatomy
1. Skeletal Muscle 2. Cardiac Muscle 3. Smooth Muscle

3 Skeletal Types of Muscles Attaches to bone Long Cylinders Many nucleus
Striations (stripes) Voluntary

4 Cardiac Muscle Types of Muscle (cont) Branching cells One Nucleus
Striations (stripes) Involuntary Moves blood through heart and blood vessels.

5 Smooth Types of Muscle (cont) One Nucleus No striations Involuntary
Found in walls of hollow organs (bladder, blood vessels, digestive system )


7 Muscular System Physiology
Skeletal Muscles Produces Movement: by contracting (shortening) Maintains posture: tiny adjustments constantly being made. Stabilizes Joints: movements are fluid Generates Heat – ATP is used and ¾ lost as heat. Helps protect fragile internal organs

8 B. Skeletal Muscle Structure
Muscle Fibers: Muscle cells!! Endomysium: Wraps each muscle fiber

9 Skeletal Muscle structure (cont.)
Perimysium: Wraps several muscle fibers (each wrapped in endomysium) Fascicle: A bundle of fibers wrapped in perimysium

10 Skeletal Muscle structure (cont.)
Epimysium: Wraps many fascicles Tendon: The epimysium blends into a tendon that connects the muscle to bone

11 Muscle Actions FLEXION: Decrease the angle of a joint
EXTENSION: Increase the angle of a joint

12 Muscle Actions ABDUCTION: Moving limbs AWAY from midline
ADDUCTION: Moving limbs TOWARD the midline

13 Muscle Actions ROTATION: Moving bone around a long axis
CIRCUMDUCTION: Complete circular motion

14 Muscle Actions PRONATION: Palm of hand from upward facing to downward facing. SUPINATION: Palm of hand from downward facing to upward facing.

15 Muscle Actions INVERSION: Sole of foot medial (turn feet in)
EVERSION: Sole of foot lateral (turn feet out)

16 Muscle Actions DORSIFLEXION: Stand on heels, toes up
PLANTAR FLEXION: Stand on toes, toes down (ballet)

17 Muscle Vocabulary ORIGIN: Immovable bone (attachment site)
INSERTION: Movable bone (attachment site)

18 Mighty Muscle Vocabulary
Prime Mover: Muscle with major responsibility for a movement Antagonist: Muscle that opposes or reverses a movement Synergist: Muscle that helps a prime mover by producing the same movement. Fixator: Muscle that stabalizes an origin


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