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From the Lab to farm to Fork

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1 From the Lab to farm to Fork
Bridging the gap between technology generation and practice Presented at Conference on Closing the Gaps in Agriculture Research in Kenya 13th September 2018 ICRAF, Nairobi Paul Guthiga, Senior Policy Analyst, ReSAKSS-ECA/ILRI There MUST be a CGIAR logo or a CRP logo. You can copy and paste the logo you need from the final slide of this presentation. Then you can delete that final slide To replace a photo above, copy and paste this link in your browser: Find a photo you like and the right size, copy and paste it in the block above.

2 Status of technology supply vs demand
Supply side Evidence show many technologies and innovations developed & some made available to farmers Demand side Low adoption rates Increasing supply of new technologies has not met increasing acceptance by end-users

3 Why low effective demand?
It implies one or all of the following about the technologies: Does not reach the end users Is not affordable by them Has not proven profitable for them In this presentation the focus is primarily on reason no. 1

4 Extension as a bridge (1)
Bridging the technology generation and practice requires an effective extension linkage Agricultural research & extension have complementary roles; Research-generating knowledge/technology/innovation and Extension-transferring it to end users The extension service is a catalyst required transfer research products to farmers & other end-users Extension also provide feed back-loop between researcher and farmers

5 Extension as a bridge (2)
Assumptions: Research is based on farmers’ needs Technologies address farmers need and they are able to adopt and use them

6 Extension as a bridge (3)
How should research institutions formulate research agendas and to set priorities? Based on; The needs & requirements of farmers (relevance) & Tailored to their socio-economic & ecological environment Extension should be effective in reaching farmers and addressing their needs. How? Creating an effective link to research Strengthening and facilitating it to reach end-users Required ratio of extension to farmers is 1:400 currently is 1:1,000

7 Extension approaches in Kenya- Historical perspectives (1)
Period Approach Colonial Dual system; System 1; for settler commercial farmers (Educational + incentives) System 2; for small-scale Indigenous farmers-Coercive ’s Conventional (persuasive & educational) Public extension staff to sub-location/village levels 1980s-1990’s Training and Visit (T&V) & Commodity specialized approaches Overall assessment Costly; high demand for man-power, time and financial resources Top-down Lack of client/farmers participation to articulate demand

8 Extension approaches in Kenya- Historical perspectives (2)
Period Approach 2000’s NALEP; More participatory but less coverage Emergence of private and commercial players (pluralistic extension system) Post 2013 (Devolution era) Devolution of provision of extension services to County governments Each county sets it own extension agenda & linkages with research if any

9 Challenges with research-extension linkage (2)
Insufficient liaison and consultations between research, extension service and the end-users Inadequate resources for field testing and dissemination Limited awareness on new technologies among extension staff Inadequate extension staffing & field mobility problems Ratio of frontline extension worker to farmers is about 1:1000 compared to the desired level of 1:400. Weak monitoring, evaluation and learning systems linkage

10 Challenges with research-extension linkage (2)
Inadequate public funding; Agriculture is allocated an average of 3% ( ) against Malabo target of 10%

11 Way forward (short term)
Technologies/innovations and knowledge is scattered among institutions/individual researchers; need to create a centralized catalogue for ease of access (AIRC/State Dept of Ag. Research?) Package them in an appropriate form, develop innovative strategies for disseminating them through the existing extension systems Leverage on ICT (majority of farmers have mobile phones)

12 Way forward (medium to long term)
Strengthen consultative research-extension agenda setting process Increase public spending in priority areas in agriculture including research and extension Integrate private sector for up-scaling of technologies Align research-extension linkages to be better attuned with devolution Address the farm-level, institutional and policy barriers to adoption Fully implement the existing policies and guidelines National Agricultural Research System Policy National Agriculture Sector Extension Policy (NASEP) Guidelines and standards for agricultural extension & advisory services (2017)


14 Thank you all for listening!

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