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Keeping Track of Drug Limit Library (DLL) Updates

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1 Keeping Track of Drug Limit Library (DLL) Updates
Ana Isabel De la Hoz Armenta, Melanie Brown, Jim Young, Poching DeLaurentis Regenstrief Center for Healthcare Engineering

2 A Look from Alert Data IPI helps identify where operational problems are But it does not tell you why problems occur or how to solve them Survey: Organization factors(47%), Technology factors (44%), Individual factors (attitude, errors, habits, 8%), other (2%) Known predictors of workarounds: Safety Culture, Burnout, Leadership quality, Team communication, Trust, Empowerment, “It’s safe to speak up” The “Soft” Stuff Microchips can’t tell you.

3 Alerts by Outdated DLL (Example)
Avg. is 24.8% of all pumps w/ alerts

4 A Look from Pump Management Data
~ 2% increase per day Update Update

5 How Long Are Pumps Up-to-Date?
Keep track of individual pumps using pump serial numbers Follow pump status with time to see if there is any pattern within and across update cycles E.g., problem pumps? Pump 1 NC-OP P NC-NC C P + P + C = 2P + C Pump 2 NC-NTD NC-NTD + P + C Pump 3 C + C + C = 3C Update Cycle 1 Update Cycle 2 Update Cycle 3

6 Summary of Pump Status Patterns
HOSPITAL A HOSPITAL B Current at the end of 3 / 3 Update Cycles 497 (58% of the pumps). All of these were current 70 days on average. Only 230 pumps (27%) were current at least 80% of the time (76 days). 251 (37% of the total pumps). All of these were current 54 days on average (68%). Only 13 pumps (1.8%) were current at least 80% of the time (64 days). Current at the end of 2 / 3 Update Cycles 194 (22.8%) of the pumps were Current at the end of two UC. 175 pumps (25.51%) on average were current for 30 days. Never current 75 (8.8%) 159 (23.17%)

7 Research Plan A pilot study on how visual ques can be used to inform clinicians on which pumps are up-to-date and its effectiveness Need hospital collaborators for a pilot project and later for larger scale dissemination Faculty: Prof. Yuehwern Yih & Prof. Denny Yu, Purdue Industrial Engineering RCHE Research Scientist: Poching DeLaurentis Contact:

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