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11/16 & 11/17 - 7th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Learn about Smell & Touch Collect Reading & Notetaking p.294 & 295 Froguts (Owl Pellets & Frog Dissection)

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Presentation on theme: "11/16 & 11/17 - 7th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Learn about Smell & Touch Collect Reading & Notetaking p.294 & 295 Froguts (Owl Pellets & Frog Dissection)"— Presentation transcript:

1 11/16 & 11/ th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Learn about Smell & Touch Collect Reading & Notetaking p.294 & 295 Froguts (Owl Pellets & Frog Dissection) Text book Reading p HW: Reading & Notetaking p.298 & 298

2 Reflection Prompt: Write 3 questions that you have about smell, touch and taste.

3 Interesting facts about eyes
All babies are color blind when they are born If your eyes are blue, you share a common ancestor (10,000 years ago) with every other blue eyed person in the world One in every 12 males is color blind

4 Interesting facts about eyes
Brown eyes are actually blue underneath the brown pigment. There is a laser procedure to turn brown eyes blue permanently. Some people are born with two differently colored eyes. Your eyes always remain the same size once you are born but your ears and nose will never stop growing

5 Interesting facts about eyes
Pirates used eye patches to quickly adjust their eyes from above to below deck. The pupil of your eye expands as much as 45% when you look at someone you love It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open

6 The ear

7 Structures of the middle ear

8 Interesting facts about ears
If you hear loud music, you can damage your hearing in just 7 minutes 37% of children with hearing loss fail at least one grade Not all living creatures hear with ears. Snakes use jawbones, fish respond to pressure changes Outer ear never stops growing throughout one’s lifetime.

9 Smell & Taste Taste buds are organs on your tongue that respond to chem_____ in food. Humans can taste 5 tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami(meaty) The nose can distin_______ at least 50 basic odors. ical guish

10 Interesting facts about taste
Your taste buds aren't just on your tongue; they're on the roof, cheeks and back of your mouth. 80% of what we experience as taste is actually smell. Sweetness helps to identify energy-rich foods, while bitterness serves as a warning sign of poisons

11 Interesting facts about taste
Taste perception fades with age; we lose almost half of our taste receptors by the time we turn 20! Flies and butterflies have taste organs on their feet, so they can taste anything they land on. Catfish have taste organs across their entire bodies.

12 Touch Your skin contains different kinds of touch receptors that respond to a number of sti_____ Receptors that respond to a light touch are close to the surface of your skin. Receptors deeper in the skin pick up feeling of press____. muli ure

13 Interesting facts about touch
Pain is the body’s warning system and it’s thorough. People have more receptors for pain than for any other sensations. Among the body’s most sensitive areas are the lips, the back of the neck, the fingertips, and the soles of the feet. The least sensitive is the middle of your back. Being touched can reduce stress, by lowering levels of hormones like cortisol.

14 Chap 4 Photosynthesis What is Photosynthesis?

15 Photosynthesis nergy ood
Photosynthesis: The process by which a cell captures the e________ in sunlight and uses it to make f______. nergy ood

16 Photosynthesis: 2 Stage Process
Stage 1: Capture Sunlight (energy) through Chloroplasts Stage 2: Use captured water, energy and carbon dioxide to produce sugar and oxygen

17 Chloroplasts orophyll
Chl________ pigments inside chloroplasts absorb su________ and convert it into energy nlight Chloroplasts

18 Stomata arbon C_________ D________ is absorbed through openings in the underside of the leaves called Stomata ioxide

19 Close up of Stomata

20 Do plants produce carbon dioxide? (Yes or No)
Can plants produce oxygen at night? How can plants create the required energy at night? At night, plants breath in small amount of oxygen and produce carbon dioxide

21 Autotrophs & Heterotrophs
Which organisms in these photos are autotrophs? Which organisms in these photos are heterotrophs?

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