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Inclusive recruitment and workplaces

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1 Inclusive recruitment and workplaces
Presentation to the HR team 1

2 Our organisation - Insert information on your organisation’s character, priorities and vision. 1

3 The NHS is driven by fundamental principles of:
working together for patients respect and dignity quality of care compassion improving lives everyone counts. 1

4 Key challenges facing the NHS to deliver on these are:
financial pressures demand on services ageing population with multiple co-morbidities and preventable illness low staff morale competing priorities. 1

5 What does this mean for us?
Embedding inclusive recruitment practices and sufficient workplace support for disabled people and those with LDD, will improve workforce diversity, your reputation as an employer of choice, and increase interest in your advertised vacancies. 1

6 What’s happening now and what can we do in the future?
Here, you could include details of your organisation’s recruitment process and any work it does to support the recruitment and retention of disabled staff. You could also facilitate HR colleagues to sketch out your organisation’s recruitment journey, before viewing our infographic on the next slide. 1

7 Recruitment journey Here, you could open this link to NHS Employers’ recruitment journey infographic or hand out printed copies on A3 paper. journey-infographic 1

8 Benefits The benefits of more disabled people and those with LDD being represented in the NHS workforce, to society, the NHS and individual organisations, are clear. It reduces the number of unemployed disabled people, which currently (2018) stands at 4.6 billion and around 1 in 6 people with an autistic spectrum disorder. It improves staff morale – West and colleagues (2015) found disabled NHS staff are more likely to face discrimination than BAME colleagues. Making recruitment and your workplace more inclusive, could help change this. Patient care is likely to improve, it has been found that a diverse workforce is likely to improve patients’ perception of care, as patients appreciate seeing a diverse workforce in the NHS. It works towards your organisation’s WDES.  1

9 Impact on our organisation
We can expect to see a number of positive outcomes when we support disabled people and those with LDD into our workforce. Improved patient care Staff perform better in organisations that value diversity Public trust increases and we become an employer of choice Innovation and thinking is improved    Our workforce will reflect our local communities It strengthens a future talent pipeline  It improves opportunities for social mobility across a local area NHS organisations can compete with the increasingly flexible offers made by other large employers If we don’t promote this commitment we risk losing out financially on the purple pound 1

10 Further impact Disabled people have been found to be reliable, less likely to take time off sick, and to be equally as productive at work as staff without disabilities. Disabled people may be more likely to stay in a single role for longer, thus improving staff retention. Disabled people or people with LDD, may bring unique qualities, talents and dynamics to a team, including skill sets a team may otherwise not benefit from. 1

11 What can you do? Support recruiting and employing disabled apprentices and those with LDD by: demonstrating a commitment to this agenda reviewing internal recruitment processes and employment support to ensure the organisation is offering the most open and accessible options promoting participation in relevant training such as unconscious bias across the organisation engaging with disabled staff/ apprentices and their managers to understand the challenges. 1

12 Timeline Use this space to insert any useful timelines by which you would like to ask HR colleagues to commit to certain asks by. It could also be a good way to demonstrate the plans for the wider work you are discussing.  1

13 Any questions? 1

14 Insert your contact details here
Thank you Insert your contact details here 1

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