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Class Chondrichthyes “Cartilage Fish”.

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1 Class Chondrichthyes “Cartilage Fish”

2 Class Chondrichthyes Two sub-classes Elasmobranchii Holocephali Sharks
Rays Skates Holocephali Rat fish Rabbit fish Parrot fish

3 Class Chondrichthyes Most are marine Most are active predators
Few plankton eaters (whale & basking sharks)

4 Relationship to Humans
Used for food Liver oil Clothing Jewelry Competition fishing

5 Characteristics Paired Fins Tough placoid scales: “placoderms”
Provide protection Aid in streamlining Some species secrete mucous

6 Characteristics Powerful jaws, multiple rows of replaceable teeth
Great white bites with force greater than a shot from rifle Mouth is ventral Heterocercal tail – unequally divided

7 Characteristics Skeleton – cartilaginous, with no true bones
Notochord present in young No ribs – larger species die when taken from water due to body weight on organs 2 chambered heart (atrium & ventricle) Closed circulatory Heart is ventral, in head region Blood pumped through aorta to gills, then to body tissues, back to heart through veins

8 Characteristics Cold blooded – “poikilothermic” – internal body temp. can have wide range Body temp matches the environment Reproduction Dioecious, with internal fertilization Dogfish & rays are oviparous Most species are viviparous

9 Characteristics Wide range of sizes Dogfish= 3ft Great white= 20 ft
Basking shark= 40 ft Whale shark= 45+ft (largest fish)

10 Characteristics Nervous system: well developed brain
Olfactory – 2 nostrils for taste/smell Optic – well developed eyesight Auditory – Ears inside body, well developed; works with… Lateral line – sensory openings along length of body, pick up low frequency vibrations

11 Characteristics Nervous system cont…
Electromagnetic receptors= “ampullae of lorenzini” Detects electric currents given off by any living thing May help orient animal to earths electromagnetic field

12 Characteristics Respiration 5-7 gill pairs
Most species have spiracles just behind eyes Provide direct oxygen supply to eyes

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