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Social Networking Advice for Teenagers

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1 Social Networking Advice for Teenagers
Social Media Dos and Dont’s


3 Think Before You Post Your online reputation, or digital footprint, is both real and valuable. Your Instagram, SnapChat, Twitter, or Facebook page is your digital resume, personal brand, and valuable to your reputation and future college or career.

4 The 4 Characteristics of Social Media
It’s searchable – anyone, anytime, anywhere can find it. It’s forever – anyone (even Gran, the school principal, your future boss) can find it today, tomorrow, 30 years from now. It’s copyable – once they find it they can copy it, share it and change it. It has a global invisible audience – even if your page is private, you can’t tell which friend shares your pages. You have no control over what friends will do with it.

5 Social Media Tips for Teens
Don’t share your password with anyone. Only accept friend requests from people you know. Don’t post anything you wouldn’t want your parents, teachers, colleges/universities, or employer to see. Be authentic. The real you is better than anything you might pretend to be. Learn about privacy settings, and review them often.

6 The Do’s Do think carefully about choosing a profile image and the language you use. What you say and do online will lay down your digital footprint. Do know who can access your personal information.  Assume that everything is public unless you are sure it isn’t. Do trust your instincts. If it doesn’t look or “feel right”, it probably isn’t. Do be careful with your personal information.  Pictures can easily be copied, altered and shared with thousands of people at the click of a button. Don’t post any pictures that you wouldn’t want everyone you know to see, that includes your parents, teachers and employers. Do be careful with the personal information of others. They have a right to privacy and you have a responsibility to protect it.

7 The Dont’s Don’t assume everyone you meet online is who they appear to be. Anyone can create a user profile pretending to be anyone else. Don’t post information that could be used to find you offline. Be careful of posting photos with things like car license plates or identifiable landmarks in them. Avoid posting messages that say things like, “I usually walk home on North Street” or “I’m going on vacation.” There are some people out there who will piece together little snippets of information about you. Don’t reply to messages that harass you or make you feel uncomfortable. This is exactly what cyberbullies want. Remember, don’t give them that satisfaction, remain in control.

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