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Activities Center for the promotion of project

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Presentation on theme: "Activities Center for the promotion of project"— Presentation transcript:

1 Activities Center for the promotion of Science @ Re@WBC project
Enhancement of HE Research Potential Contributing to Further Growth of the WB Region Work package no 5 Activities Center for the promotion of project University of Belgrade, 1-2 December 2016

2 Basic informacion about role of the CPN
Enhancement of HE Research Potential Contributing to Further Growth of the WB Region Basic informacion about role of the CPN Center for the Promotion of Science is one of thirteen partners on the project . CPN is the leader for the work package no 5 – Disseminacion and exploitation. The contact person from CPN is Katarina Anđelković. Contact University of Belgrade, 1-2 December 2016

3 Kick - off meeting, december 2015. Niš
Enhancement of HE Research Potential Contributing to Further Growth of the WB Region Kick - off meeting, december Niš University of Belgrade, 1-2 December 2016

4 Activities Center for the promotion of Science @ Re@WBC project
Enhancement of HE Research Potential Contributing to Further Growth of the WB Region Activities Center for the promotion of Science @ project Cerated visual identity – logo of the project, and memorandum which was accepted by the coordinator and all partners . University of Belgrade, 1-2 December 2016

5 The project website Re@Wbc at following link:
Enhancement of HE Research Potential Contributing to Further Growth of the WB Region The project website at following link: University of Belgrade, 1-2 December 2016

6 Re@WBC website – Basic information about project
Enhancement of HE Research Potential Contributing to Further Growth of the WB Region website – Basic information about project University of Belgrade, 1-2 December 2016

7 University of Belgrade, 1-2 December 2016
Enhancement of HE Research Potential Contributing to Further Growth of the WB Region website – materials from the meetings, seminars, study visits and trainings University of Belgrade, 1-2 December 2016

8 University of Belgrade, 1-2 December 2016
Enhancement of HE Research Potential Contributing to Further Growth of the WB Region website – Announcements and news for all activities at the project University of Belgrade, 1-2 December 2016

9 Re@WBC website – Photo galleries from each event
Enhancement of HE Research Potential Contributing to Further Growth of the WB Region website – Photo galleries from each event University of Belgrade, 1-2 December 2016

10 University of Belgrade, 1-2 December 2016
Enhancement of HE Research Potential Contributing to Further Growth of the WB Region At CPN official website – news about Kick- off meeting and the start of the project University of Belgrade, 1-2 December 2016

11 Aboout Re@WBC project newspaper Danas
Enhancement of HE Research Potential Contributing to Further Growth of the WB Region Aboout project newspaper Danas University of Belgrade, 1-2 December 2016

12 Aboout Re@WBC project magazine Elements
Enhancement of HE Research Potential Contributing to Further Growth of the WB Region Aboout project magazine Elements University of Belgrade, 1-2 December 2016

13 Contact for further cooperation:
Enhancement of HE Research Potential Contributing to Further Growth of the WB Region Contact for further cooperation: Katarina Anđelković Center for the promocion of Science Kralja Petra 46, Belgrade Mobile: University of Belgrade, 1-2 December 2016

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