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Hellenistic Greece.

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Presentation on theme: "Hellenistic Greece."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hellenistic Greece

2 Terms—Hellenistic Greece
Koine Epicureans Stoics Skeptics Cynics Terms—Hellenistic Greece

3 Alexandria

4 The Pharos

5 The three centuries after Alexander’s death
The Hellenistic Age

6 The Hellenistic World

7 Greek Temple in Petra (Jordan)

8 Greek Temple in Egypt

9 Greek Papyrus Scroll

10 Alexandria

11 Alexandria Today

12 The Pharos

13 Library at Alexandria

14 Library at Alexandria

15 Reproduction of Entry Hall of the Alexandria Library

16 Reproduction of Entry Hall of the Alexandria Library

17 Hellenistic Architecture

18 Hellenistic Architecture

19 The Epicureans—Founded by Epicurus

20 Stoics—Founded by Zeno

21 The Stoics

22 Impossible to know anything absolutely

23 Cynics--Diogenes

24 Diogenes

25 Diogenes and Alexander

26 Diogenes and Alexander

27 Pythagoras

28 Pythagorean Theorum

29 Pythagoras

30 Euclid—The Elements

31 Aristarchus

32 Archimedes

33 Archimedes

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