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Better Things that Accompany Salvation

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Presentation on theme: "Better Things that Accompany Salvation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Better Things that Accompany Salvation
Hebrews 6:9

2 Better Things Heaven God Man World On to Perfection Elementary
End God On to Perfection Elementary Repentance Draw Back Dead Works Man World

3 Dead Works 6:1 – Dead works opposes Faith toward God
2:15 – Fear of Death, Subject to Bondage 4:11 – Falling after disobedience 4:15 – Weakness, Temptation 5:2 – Ignorant, Going Astray, Beset by weakness Dead Works

4 Enlightened 6:1 – Repentance from dead works 6:4 – Once “Enlightened”
10:32 – Day of illumination 10:26 – Receiving a knowledge of the Truth 2:1-3 – Earnest heed to things heard Repentance Dead Works

5 Salvation Hearing the Gospel Message Believing that it is True
Romans 10:14, 17 Believing that it is True Romans 5:2, 10:4 Confessing with your mouth your hearts belief Romans 10:9,10 Repenting of your sins Romans 6:15-19 Burying the “Old Man”, rising a “New Creation” Romans 6:1-6,13-17; 10:16

6 Gospel of Christ

7 Salvation by the Gospel

8 Obey the Gospel II Thessalonians 1:8 I Peter 4 :17 Romans 10:16
Flaming fire of vengeance on those who do not “Obey the Gospel” I Peter 4 :17 Judgment is the end of those who do not “Obey the Gospel” Romans 10:16 They have not all “Obeyed the Gospel”

9 Salvation Hearing the Gospel Message Believing that it is True
Romans 10:14, 17 Believing that it is True Romans 5:2, 10:4 Confessing with your mouth your hearts belief Romans 10:9 Repenting of your sins Romans 6:15-19 Burying the “Old Man”, rising a “New Creation” Romans 6:1-6,13-17; 10:16

10 Elementary Principles of Christ
6:1 – “First” principles of Christ 5:12 – Milk of the word 5:13 – Unskilled in the Word of Righteousness = Babe 6:12 – Lazy, Sluggish Elementary Repentance Dead Works

11 Draw Back 2:1 – Lest we “Drift away”
6:4-6 – Tasted and then, “Fall away” 10:26-27 – Sin willfully, Expected judgment 10:29 – Trample Jesus, treat Blood as common, Insulting the Spirit 10:38-39 – “Draw back” Elementary Repentance Draw Back Dead Works

12 On to Perfection 2: Brethren, Author of Salvation, Perfect, Bring sons to glory, all are ‘one’ 6:1, 7:11 – Go on to Perfection 6:9 – Better things that accompany salvation, Show the same diligence of full assurance of hope On to Perfection Elementary Repentance Draw Back Dead Works

13 End 6:11 – Until the end 6:12 – Inherit promises
3:18 – Enter that “Rest” End On to Perfection Elementary Repentance Draw Back Dead Works

14 Where are you? Heaven God Man World On to Perfection Elementary
End God On to Perfection Elementary Repentance Draw Back Dead Works Man World

15 Better things that Accompany Salvation

16 Bringing many sons to Glory
Being Sanctified

17 Neglect so Great a Salvation

18 Better things that Accompany Salvation
And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. -Romans 13:11-12

19 Better things that Accompany Salvation
For He says: “In an acceptable time I have heard you, And in the day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. -II Corinthians 6:2

20 Better things that Accompany Salvation
Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling Philippians 2:12

21 Better things that Accompany Salvation
Who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time receiving the end of your faith—the salvation of your souls -I Peter 1:5,9

22 How do we do the “Better Things”?
Salvation Neglect

23 How do we do the “Better Things”?
See that you do not refuse Him who speaks. For if they did not escape who refused Him who spoke on earth, much more shall we not escape if we turn away from Him who speaks from heaven -Hebrews 12:25

24 How do we do the “Better Things”?
of whom the world was not worthy - Hebrews 11:38

25 How do we do the “Better Things”?
Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator. I Peter 4:19

26 Where are you? Heaven God Man World On to Perfection Elementary
End God On to Perfection Elementary Repentance Draw Back Dead Works Man World



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