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Key Period 2 Timeline 1607-1752 Jordy Araya.

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Presentation on theme: "Key Period 2 Timeline 1607-1752 Jordy Araya."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Period 2 Timeline Jordy Araya

2 John Rolfe creates a profitable crop of tobacco Jamestown is founded
Pilgrims arrive in Plymouth

3 Maryland Toleration Act
Mayflower Compact Bacon’s Rebellion

4 Salem Witch Trials Great Awakening Albany Plan . ’s

5 Periodization and Turning Point
1607 was the founding of the first British Colony in America. 1752 marked the turn in America’s drive for independence. The creation of tobacco as a cash crop served as a turning point in this period. Without tobacco the Jamestown colony would have failed and we may not even be here today.

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