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Kyra Roby Partnership Specialist AL, FL, GA, LA, MS, NC, SC

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1 Kyra Roby Partnership Specialist AL, FL, GA, LA, MS, NC, SC
THE ROAD TO THE 2020 CENSUS NC MS AL GA SC The Atlanta Region LA FL Kyra Roby Partnership Specialist AL, FL, GA, LA, MS, NC, SC Good Morning/Afternoon. Thank you to the Florida Alliance of Non Profits for including us in their 2020 Census briefings throughout the state of Florida. I am Bernadine White King, Partnership Specialist, Atlanta Region. In Census speak, Atlanta Region means 7 southern states, AL, FL, GA, LA, MS, NC, SC

2 The U.S. Census Bureau at a Glance
The U.S. Census Bureau’s mission is to serve as the nation’s leading provider of quality data about its people and economy. Our statistical programs Censuses (The Decennial Census, the Economic Census, the Census of governments) Surveys (The American Community Survey, Demographic surveys, Economic surveys, Sponsored surveys) Population Estimates and Projections Data Tools and Apps (QuickFacts, American FactFinder, My Congressional District)

3 The Decennial Census Article I, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution states: "Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers . . .” A population count has been conducted every 10 years since

4 The next Census in 2020 will require counting an increasingly diverse and growing population of around 330 million people. Currently we are conducting research in four areas that focus on the major cost drivers of the decennial census: Use the Internet to increase self-response. Use existing government data sources to answer census questions and reduce follow-up workload. Automate operations to increase productivity and reduce staff and offices. Use existing maps and address to reflect changes rather than walking every block in every neighborhood in America.

5 Optimizing Self-Response for Census 2020
For the 2020 Census, the INTERNET is the primary method for households to self respond. Secondary ways of responding to the 2020 Census: Toll-free number Traditional questionnaire (can be requested via the toll-free number) Non-response-follow-up operation Households can also respond via a toll-free number: 1) to get assistance with their online self-response; 2) complete the Census on the phone; or, 3) request a traditional questionnaire to be sent to their home, so they can fill it out and mail it back.

6 Privacy and Confidentiality
Under Title 13, U.S. Code, all Census Bureau employees swear a lifetime oath to protect respondent data. It is a felony for any Census Bureau employee to disclose any confidential census information during or after employment, and the penalty for wrongful disclosure is up to 5 years imprisonment and/or a fine of $250,000. We protect information by taking precautions in how we collect, analyze and disseminate information. The Census Bureau has strong program to protect information as they collect, process and store it in secure IT systems. The Census Bureau encrypts information, limits access, and actively monitors systems to make sure information stays secure.

7 It is important to note that the Census Bureau:
never asks for your full Social Security number; never asks for money or a donation; never sends requests on behalf of a political party; never requests PIN codes, passwords or similar access information for credit cards, banks or other financial accounts. It is important to note that we never ask for SS numbers, money for donations, never send requests on behalf of a political party, and we never request pin codes, passwords, or similar access information. We conduct hundreds of survey per year and in the past, some one-time surveys provided gift cards to participants for participating. In those cases, we asked for the last 4 digits of the SS number. Note: The Interactive version of the 2010 form can be found at

8 The goal of the 2020 Census is to count everyone once, only once and in the right place.


10 The 2020 Census at a Glance Education Phase: 2018-2019
Awareness Phase: April 2019 Motivation Phase: March – May 2020 Reminder Phase: May – July 2020 Thank You Phase: Starts July 2020

11 7 Ways Census Data Are Used. . .
Attracting new businesses to state and local areas. Planning for hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, and the location of other health services. Creating maps to speed emergency services to households in need of assistance. Facilitating scientific research. Providing evidence in litigation involving land use, voting rights, and equal opportunity. Establishing fair market rents and enforcing fair lending practices. Providing genealogical research.

12 What Everyone Should Know about 2020
It’s about fair representation-apportionment. It’s about redistricting. It means $675 billion.


14 The University of Virginia’s Center for Politics has published this graphic regarding their projections for As you can see, Florida is projected to gain one seat. However, we constantly the Office of the Governor and congressional representatives, even a goldmine has to be worked. Although, Florida did overtake New York in population growth in 2014 to become the nation’s 3rd largest state, there is a lot of work to be done to ensure everyone participates in the 2020 Census.


16 63% 67% CENSUS 2010 Holmes County 59% 55% Hinds County 77% 72%
Harrison County 71% 66% Mississippi Census 2000 63% Census 2010 67% CENSUS 2010 The success of the Census is measured in participation rates of households in every community. In 2010, the national mail return rate was 72%. However, you will see published that the final mail return was 74%. What this means is that 72% of households returned their completed questionnaires before we started the operation to follow up with non responding households. The other 2% was generated from late mail returns from households as we were knocking on doors. As you can see from the slide, the state of Florida and Collier County did quite well, as a whole. However, beneath the surface, there are concerns.

17 Hard-to-Count Indicators. . .
Persons at or below poverty Persons receiving public assistance, disability, or SSI Concentrations of minority groups, immigrants, linguistically isolated communities, migrant workers Areas with high concentrations of low educational attainment Single parents Young children Concentrations of renters Scattered mobile homes High crime areas

18 Response Outreach Area Mapper Web Application
The U.S. Census Bureau has released the Response Outreach Area Mapper (ROAM) web application. An interactive map to identify areas that typically have low response rates for censuses and surveys. Community planners and local officials can use the ROAM to plan, focus and allocate resources for the 2020 Census. Provides tract-level data.


20 Local Government Involvement is Key to Census Success
Local government participation in 2020 Geographic Partnership Programs provide opportunities to work together to ensure the best and most useful results possible. Local Update of Census Address (LUCA) Program Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)Program New Construction Participant Statistical Areas Program (PSAP) Various field operations Formation of a Complete Count Committee Recruiting for census workers

21 Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA)
The Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) is a voluntary decennial census operation. LUCA is the only opportunity prior to the 2020 Census for tribal, state, and local governments (including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico) to review and update the U.S. Census Bureau’s residential address list for their jurisdiction. The Census Bureau relies on a complete and accurate address list to reach every living quarters and associated population for inclusion in the census. The Census Address List Improvement Act of 1994 (Public Law ) authorizes LUCA. Active, functioning, legal governments are eligible to participate in LUCA, including: Federally recognized tribes with a reservation and/or off reservation trust lands. States. Counties. Cities (incorporated places). Townships (minor civil divisions).

22 January 2017:  Advance notification of LUCA mailed to the Tribal Chairpersons (TCs) and highest elected officials (HEOs) of all eligible governments and other LUCA contacts. March 2017:  LUCA promotional workshops begin. July 2017:  Invitation letter and registration forms mailed to the TC or HEO of all eligible governments. October 2017:  Training workshops began. Self-training aids and Webinars were made available online at the LUCA website. December 2017:  Deadline to register for LUCA. January 31, 2018:  Registration deadline for those areas impacted by the 2017 natural disasters. February 2018:  Participation materials mailed to registered participants. June 1, 2018:  The Census Bureau deadline for stateside LUCA material change requests and replacement files. August 2019:  Feedback materials offered to participants with the results of address canvassing. April 1, 2020:  Census Day. 2020 LUCA Schedule

23 Leveraging Trusted Voices: Complete Count Committees
Ultimately, the success of the 2020 Census depends on everyone’s participation. One way to ensure success is by forming a Complete Count Committee. State and local governments, businesses and community leaders form Complete Count Committees to encourage participation in their community. They develop an outreach plan tailored to the unique characteristics of their community. Then they work together to implement the plan. Their focus is to encourage individuals in their community to self respond online, on the phone or by mail (if they received a questionnaire by mail).

24 Leveraging Trusted Voices: Complete Count Committees
Complete Count Committees conduct a wide range of possible activities. For example, they host promotional events, display census information in government buildings, include census messages on customer billing statements or other correspondence, and they network with community leaders to ensure everyone is involved. Opportunity to “tailor” the Census outreach and messaging to most effectively influence local communities. Involve all constituent groups, and use “trusted voices” of community leaders to encourage self-response.

25 Apply Online Now for 2020 Census Jobs:
or Toll Free Jobs Line 1-855-JOB-2020

26 Start Preparing Now! Kyra D. Roby, Partnership Specialist
Sign-up for Census alerts: Follow us on social Raise awareness by including census information in your activities. Distribute census promotional materials. Create or join Complete Count Committees. Host a Census Solutions Workshop. Help recruit census workers. Invite me to an event or workshop: Kyra D. Roby, Partnership Specialist U.S. Census Bureau (678)

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