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E-STD Prevention and Control

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Presentation on theme: "E-STD Prevention and Control"— Presentation transcript:

1 E-STD Prevention and Control
Jeffrey D. Klausner, MD, MPH Director, STD Prevention and Control Services San Francisco Department of Public Health Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine University of California, San Francisco

2 Internet-based disease control interventions
Surveillance Education and health promotion Screening and test results Partner notification and treatment Prevention

3 Internet-based disease control interventions
Surveillance Education and health promotion Screening and test results Partner notification and treatment Prevention

4 CA DPH STD Control Branch (rev 3/2008)

5 CA DPH STD Control Branch (rev 3/2008)

6 Internet-based disease control interventions
Surveillance Education and health promotion Screening and test results Partner notification and treatment Prevention

7 SF City Clinic website Klausner JD. Sex Transm Dis Oct;26(9):548.


9 Brief sexual health videos

10 Health department profiles on sex partnering sites

11 Internet-based disease control interventions
Surveillance Education and health promotion Screening and test results Partner notification and treatment Structural changes

12 Online access to chlamydia test kits
Forty-one of 400 (10.3%) women were chlamydia positive; 95.1% treated Gaydos CA, et al., Sex Transm Dis Jul;33(7):451-7

13 Levine D et al., Sex Transm Dis. 2005

14 Frequency of online syphilis testing by quarter, 2003-2007
= Reactive tests (6.0%)

15 Online STD clinic test results
Kohn R et al, CDC NSTD Conference, 2006

16 Online access increases persons learning STD test results
Month Kohn R et al, CDC NSTD Conference, 2006

17 Internet-based disease control interventions
Surveillance Education and health promotion Screening and test results Partner notification and treatment Structural changes

18 Internet guidelines for health departments
Messages sent from Internet service provider less likely to be discarded; use same provider as case. Health departments may need multiple accounts. Include reference to “Serious health matter” in message header; include verifiable information No group messages; use same principles of confidentiality as with postal service or telephone Upon response, collect information to develop more personal contact

19 InSpot: online peer-to-peer partner notification for STDs/HIV


21 InSpot partner prescription
About 120 CT prescriptions; 100 GC prescriptions in 2007

22 Internet-based disease control interventions
Surveillance Education and health promotion Screening and test results Partner notification and treatment Prevention

23 Sex partnering sites facilitating safer hook-ups

24 Site modifications promote safer sex
Requires persistence, voluntary cooperation from business owner Increasing public health and community advocacy; no regulatory authority Potentially very effective and low cost

25 Site modifications promote safer sex
Requires persistence, voluntary cooperation from business owner Increasing public health and community advocacy; no regulatory authority Potentially very effective and low cost

26 E-STD prevention and control
Primary prevention Education, health promotion, structural changes to modify networks Secondary prevention Screening, test results, partner notification and treatment

27 Conclusions Internet sex partnering is common among persons at high risk for STD/HIV Web offers opportunity for STD prevention and control interventions

28 Acknowledgments SFDPH STD Services—Jacque McCright, Robert Kohn, Rachael Perez, Florence Yu, SF City Clinic, 1360 Staff SFDPH Business Enterprise Systems—Donna Childers SF Partners in STD/HIV Prevention STOP AIDS Full Circle Fund CDC—Wendy Wolf, Dayne Collins Gay.Com, Craigslist, ISIS-Inc—Deb Levine Scarlet Letter Services—Frank Strona CA DPH STD Branch—Dan Wohlfeiler

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