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The Muslim world expands

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1 The Muslim world expands

2 The ottomans build a vast empire

3 The ottomans build a vast empire
Ghazis – warriors for Islam Emir – chief commander Military societies were formed that raided frontiers of Byzantine Empire Osman was a ghazi with followers called Ottomans Gunpowder, muskets and cannons gave them military advantages Sultan – overlord or one with power Ruled fairly with local officials appointed by the sultan Peasant life improved Muslims served in the army while non-Muslims paid a tax Timur the Lame (arrow) burned Baghdad and won Battle of Ankara in 1402 briefly halting expansion of the empire

4 The ottomans build a vast empire
4 brothers fought and 4 sultans expand the empire through 1566 Mehmed II conquers Constantinople in 1451 controlling the Bosporus Strait

5 The ottomans build a vast empire

6 The ottomans build a vast empire
Chain put across strait Mehmed dragged 70 ships over a hill on greased runners and took city in 7 weeks Jews, Christians, and Muslims as well as non-Turks moved to Constantinople Selim sweeps through Palestine and Egypt and expands the empire Suleyman the Lawgiver (Magnificent) was in power for 46 years Conquered N. Africa and controlled trade routes Threatened to conquer all of Europe Created a criminal and civil law code to organize society Limited taxes and government

7 The ottomans build a vast empire
20,000 personal slaves under devshirme system staffed the bureaucracy Boys drafted from Christian territories, educated and converted to Islam, and made soldiers Janissaries – 30,000 soldiers loyal to the sultan Islamic law granted freedom of worship to other religions Millets – non-Muslim communities Art, literature, architecture, and education flourished Sultans weakened over time, killing their sons Empire lasted in some form until 20th century

8 Cultural Blending Interacting cultures expose each other to foods, ideas and new technology Trade routes, ports, borders are where this begins Blending well depends on people open to new ideas and willing to change Causes of Cultural Blending migration pursuit of religious freedom or conversion trade conquest

9 Cultural Blending Interacting cultures expose each other to foods, ideas and new technology Trade routes, ports, borders are where this begins Blending well depends on people open to new ideas and willing to change Causes of Cultural Blending migration pursuit of religious freedom or conversion trade conquest

10 Cultural blending Leads to changes Language Religion and ethical systems Styles of government Racial or ethnic blending Arts and architecture Chart on 513

11 Cultural blending Shah – king Isma’ll (12 year old) seizes Iran and becomes shah Became a religious tyrant and people had to convert or die Shiites vs. Sunnis Battle of Chadiran sets Iran/Iraq border Shah Abbas then reforms society opening up trade again with Europe

12 Cultural Blending

13 The mughal Empire in india

14 The mughal Empire in india
Mughals means Mongols after Genghis Khan who conquered territory in India Over time India was carved up into many kingdoms by different invaders Muslims swept in from Turkey in 1000s and took large areas Delhi is annihalated in 1398 by Timur the Lame Babur controls Uzbekistan and Tajikstan at 11 in 1492 and eventually builds an empire Babur’s grandson Akbar rules India from 1556 to 1605 and unifies over 100 million people Akbar is a tolerant Muslim who marries Hindu princesses and does well with cultural blending Gave property to politicians, but took it back after their deaths

15 The mughal Empire in india
Art, literature ,education, politics and language were blended. Arabic, Persian and Hindi languages combined make up Urdu language spoken today in Pakistan Akbar dies in 1605 and his successors have interesting histories Shah Jahan builds the Taj Mahal to honor his wife Spent too much on monuments, living lavishly , war and taxed people who suffered His son, Aurangzeb, executes his brother and arrests his father gaining power Aurangzeb oppressed people and enforced strict Islamic law offending Hindus Rival armies caused him to raise more taxes and famine wiped out over 2M people Empire slowly declines and decays as Bombay port is given to England who later conquers India

16 The mughal Empire in india

17 The mughal Empire in india

18 The mughal Empire in india
Hinduism Brahmans - priests Vedas – oldest Indian tales Reincarnation – come back n another life Karma – moral actions affect future lives Purpose of Life – enlightenment, fulfill a purpose, prosper, sexuality, desire and enjoyment God – no specific god or gods – some worship different gods Cows – symbol of life and sacred

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