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Embryonic Development

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Presentation on theme: "Embryonic Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Embryonic Development
Department of Biology, WCU

2 Introduction Differentiation Periods of development Embryonic Fetal
Childhood Adolescence Adulthood Senescence

3 Embryogenesis 1. Fertilization zygote

4 Embryogenesis 2. Cleavage rate of mitosis is high morula

5 Embryogenesis 3. Blastocyst blastocoel trophoblast inner cell mass

6 Implantation

7 Embryogenesis 4. Blastula trophoblast expands in size
bilaminar germ disk

8 Embryogenesis 5. Bilaminar disk amniotic space
yolk sac (gut, early RBC’s) amnion (enclose embryo)

9 Embryogenesis 5. Gastrulation Primitive streak Primitive knot
Bilaminar to a trilaminar disk ectoderm endoderm Primitive streak Primitive knot

10 Gastrulation Trilaminar disk Mesoderm

11 Gastrulation 6. Trilaminar disk Bilaminar areas Stromodeum Proctodeum
oropharyngeal membrane cloacal membrane Stromodeum Proctodeum

12 Differential Growth

13 Neuralation 7. Notochord from mesoderm vertebrates begins nerve cord

14 Neuralation 8. Neural tube spina bifida

15 Neurulation 9. Neural tube neural crest cells: PNS neural tube: CNS

16 Body folding Umbilical cord

17 Mesoderm A. Somites Sclerotome: vertebrae, ribs
Dermatome: dermis of skin Myotome: muscles

18 Mesoderm B. Intermediate mesoderm gonads, kidneys, adrenal cortex

19 Mesoderm C. Lateral plate mesoderm somatic mesoderm
splanchnic mesoderm

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