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What do I want to be when I grow up

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Presentation on theme: "What do I want to be when I grow up"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do I want to be when I grow up
By Ima Student

2 Background Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always loved shoes. I designed them for my Barbies, and I wanted to know what it actually takes to be a cobbler.

3 Outline Career outlook College plans My path and future

4 My career Description Work environment
(Documentation) **Note: Your documentation is the first part of your works cited entry as it appears on your works cited entry. Ex. (“Registered Nurses Summary”)

5 Advantages/Disadvantages

6 Education Necessary (Documentation)

7 Salary/Benefits Starting (Documentation)

8 Opportunity for Advancement

9 Interesting Tidbits and Facts

10 My After High School Plan
Background of where I want to go to school Where is it Enrollment (Documentation)

11 Tuition and Expenses (Documentation)

12 Courses that Relate to my Field

13 Requirements (Documentation)

14 Final Words Review of my plan How I plan to make it all happen

15 Works Cited Each of the sources mentioned in your PowerPoint should be on this page in their entire listing from EasyBib. They should be in alpha order and proper format. You can cut and paste the page from word You must use FIVE DIFFERENT SOURCES in your presentation.

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