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Fframwaith Perfformiad 2016/17 Performance Framework 2016/17

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Presentation on theme: "Fframwaith Perfformiad 2016/17 Performance Framework 2016/17"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fframwaith Perfformiad 2016/17 Performance Framework 2016/17
Clive Thomas 17 Mawrth 2016 Performance Framework 2016/17 Clive Thomas 17 March 2016

2 Fframwaith Perfformiad 2016/17 Performance Framework 2016/17
Diben y sesiwn: Cytuno ar Fframwaith Perfformiad 2016/17 Awdurdodi’r Tîm Gweithredol i’w gadarnhau Nodi’r amserlenni Purpose of the session: Agree Performance Framework for 2016/17 Authorise Executive Team to finalise Note timelines

3 Fframwaith Perfformiad 2016/17 Performance Framework 2016/17
Cyd-destun / Context Amcanion yr unigolyn / Individual Objectives Blaenoriaethau’r Tîm / Team priorities Mae’n dangos y llinyn aur / This shows the golden thread Pwysig nodi hefyd bod yr adolygiad perfformiad yn un mewn nifer o gyfarpar mae’r Bwrdd a’r Gyfarwyddiaeth yn eu defnyddio i graffu CNC, megis cofrest risgiau a nifer y cynlluniau cyfarwyddiaeth. Hefyd mae REMCOM yn cadw golwg gyfan ar y trawsnewid. Very important to also note that the performance report is only one of a number of tools that Board and Executive use to scrutinise NRW, such as risk registers and the number of directorate plans. There are also things like REMCOM keeping an overall view on transformation.

4 Fframwaith Perfformiad 2016/17 Performance Framework 2016/17
Cyd-destun: Blwyddyn olaf y Cynllun Corfforaethol tair blynedd Adolygiad Ardaloedd Busnes Sefyllfa ariannol Newidiadau deddfwriaethol Cynlluniau galluogi CNC Context: Final year of three year Corporate Plan Business Area Reviews Financial position Legislative changes NRW enabling plans Pwysig nodi bod y dull ar gyfer y tair blynedd wedi cael ei gytuno gan y Bwrdd yn ôl yn 2014/15 – rydym angen cydnabod bod y dull cytunedig yn wahanol i’r un y byddwn yn penderfynu arno fel fframwaith perfformiad newydd i gyd-fynd â’n cynllun corfforaethol nesaf Important to mention that the approach for the three years was agreed at the Board back in 2014/15 – we need to recognise this agreed approach is different to what we will agree as a new performance framework to sit alongside our next corporate plan

5 Fframwaith Perfformiad 2016/17 Performance Framework 2016/17
Crynodeb o’r perfformiad Adroddiadau manwl ar y themâu ‘yn dda i’ Dangosyddion ar lefelau poblogaeth / deilliant Mesurau ar lefel perfformiad Dangosfwrdd y Cynllun Busnes Performance Framework: Summary of performance Detailed reports for good for themes Indicators at population / outcome level Measures at performance level Business Plan Dashboard Mae’r sleid yn gosod y dair elfen sy’n gwneud y fframwaith perfformiad / This slide sets out the three elements that make up the performance framework 1) Crynodeb – fformat newydd a dreilawyd yn Ionawr – Gweithio gyda Catherine i’w gwblhau ac a yw’n addas ar gyfer craffu perfformiad gan y Bwrdd The summary – new format trialled in January – Working with Catherine to finalise this and reflect it being suitable for performance scrutiny by the Board Manylion ar draws y dangosyddion a’r mesurau – yn allweddol bod y dangosyddion ar lefel deilliant y mae’r Bwrdd wedi gofyn amdano, tra bo’r mesurau ar lefel perfformiad CNC. Gweithio ar dynnu allan y cysylltiadau pan fydd y Cyfarwyddwyr yn amlygu’r materion perfformiad bob tro bydd yr adroddiad perfformiad yn dod o flaen y bwrdd yn 16/17 – hwn ar wahân i’r dull gwelliant i ddeilliannau y byddwn yn gweithio arno ar gyfer Cynllun Corfforaethol ac mewn ymateb i’r Ddeddf Llesiant. Byddwn yn cydweithio â’r Bwrdd, ac efallai’n archwilio’r gwahanol lefelau yn ôl RBA a Deddf Llesiant The detail across the indicators and measures – key here is that indicators are the outcome level that the Board have been requesting, whilst the measures are at the NRW performance level. We will work to draw out the links when Directors highlight performance issues each time the performance report comes to the Board in 16/17 – this is separate from an improved approach to outcomes which we will work on for the Corporate plan and in response to the Well-being act. We will work with the Board on this, plus possibly exploring the different levels as per RBA & Well-being Act Dangosfwrdd – golwg tudalen gyfan o ddarpariaeth RAG CNC 3) The dashboard – gives an at a page view of RAG NRW delivery.

6 Fframwaith Perfformiad 2016/17 Performance Framework 2016/17
Development: Performance Framework 2015/16 Past performance Business Plan 2016/17 Remit Letter 2016/17 Risk Register Board Sub Group discussion Executive Team consideration Datblygu: Fframwaith Perfformiad 2015/16 Perfformiad y gorffennol Cynllun Busnes 2016/17 Llythyr Cylch Gwaith 2016/17 Y Gofrestr Risgiau Trafodaethau’r Is-grŵp Tîm Gweithredol - ystyried Dyma’r broses i baratoi cynnig dangosfwrdd 16/17 a’r holl fewnbynnau a ystyriwyd. Gofyn am sylwadau Nigel/Ruth/Madeleine ar ddiwedd y cyflwyniad ar eu mewnbwn i’r broses fel yr is-grŵp cyfredol This is the process we have gone through to prepare the 16/17 dashboard proposal and all the different inputs considered. You might want to ask Nigel/Ruth/Madeleine to comment at the end of the presentation on their input to the process as the current sub group.

7 Fframwaith Perfformiad 2016/17 Performance Framework 2016/17
Trosolwg: Dangosyddion y Cynllun Corfforaethol heb newid Dangosfwrdd y Cynllun Busnes – 33 Cam/ Dangosydd Cadw eitemau pwysig e.e. ymgynghoriadau cynllunio Ychwanegu eitemau newydd gan gynnwys Datganiadau Ardal, Cynllun Adfer Natur, rheoliadau newydd, ac Adolygiad Ardaloedd Busnes Overview: Corporate Plan indicators unchanged Business Plan Dashboard - 33 Measures/Indicators Retains important items e.g. planning consultations Adds new items including Area Statements, Nature Recovery Plan, new regulation and Business Area Reviews

8 Fframwaith Perfformiad 2016/17 Performance Framework 2016/17
Y Camau Nesaf Cadarnhau’r manylion Ei gyflwyno ar draws CNC Nodi perfformiad diwedd y flwyddyn ym mis Mai Next Steps Finalise detail Issue across NRW Note year end performance in May Gofyn am sylwadau’r is-grŵp Atgoffa’r Bwrdd am yr angen i ailffurfio’r is-grŵp gydag aelodau newydd i baratoi ar gyfer y Cynllun Corfforaethol Ask the sub group to comment Remind the Board of the need to re-form the sub group with new membership going into the preparation of the next Corporate Plan

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