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Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme

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1 Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme
Managing Complexity in the Face of Uncertainty Ch03: What Are the Project Management Process Groups? Presented by (Abdisamad Abdullahi Abdulle)

2 Processes of project management

3 Ch03: What Are the PM Process Groups?
Planning Process During the planning process you Identify What must be done Who is going to do it How long it take How much it will cost How you run the project How you communicate and manage You use the plan to direct, keep track, correct and communicate Explain how each of these contributes to the growing importance of project management in the business world.

4 Ch03: Project management ?
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) WBS is a tool to plan the project activities into parts Creating WBS helping the project in several ways It is easier to estimate the time and costs It is easier to assign work to team members It allows you to measure progress WBS contains two kinds of tasks: summary tasks and work packages

5 Ch03: Project management ?
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

6 Ch03: Project management ?
The Project Management Process Groups

7 Ch03: Project management ?
Building the WBS WBS To build the WBS start with the top level summary tasks. Identify top level summary tasks as a team identify work packages as a smaller group Review and revise as a team The Launching Process Group does not have a PMBOK counterpart. That’s too bad because it is an important part of getting the project off to a good start.

8 Ch03: Project management ?
Building the WBS

9 Ch03: Project management ?
Defining the WBS

10 Ch03: Project management ?
Building Schedule This is an important slide. Going to PMBOK looking for a PMLC won’t work. The PMBOK gives you the building blocks and nothing more.

11 Ch03: Project management ?
Building Schedule (Steps) Specify which tasks have to finish first Specify which tasks need to start at same time Specify the dependencies Estimate the time to complete each task Assign tasks to team members Take to account deadlines and other constraints

12 Ch03: Project management ?
Identifying resources As a project manager you should understand every persons role and responsibility Your team members should know the chain of command and understand their own personal role within that chain so Create responsibility matrix Review the responsibility matrix Create project organization chart Identify the skilled workers you need (Skill matrix)

13 Ch03: Project management ?
Identifying resources

14 Ch03: Project management ?
Identifying resources

15 Ch03: Project management ?

16 Project budget is the total cost of the project
Ch03: Project management ? Project budget Project budget is the total cost of the project

17 Ch03: Project management ?
Project Budget

18 Ch03: Project management ?
Project Budget

19 Ch03: Project management ?
Identifying project Risks Known unknown -risks can be predicted Example Technology may not work or cost more than you expect Team members located in different areas Luck of details such as on deliverables or due dates Limited options such as luck of skilled labor

20 Ch03: Project management ?
Identifying project Risks unknown unknowns -Unpredictable risks Specify a percentage of contingence budget to eliminate the unknown unknowns

21 Ch03: Project management ?
Risk management plan

22 Ch03: Project management ?
Setting up communication plan Helps you to get the right information to the right people in the most effective way so Identify your audiences Define what your audience need to know

23 Ch03: Project management ?
Define what your audience need to know Who What How Management Objectives Project plan Project progress Expenditures Overall results Sponsor Weekly 1 to 1 meeting Functional managers Skill sets Milestones Constraints Schedules Bi-weekly Team members Assignments Upcoming tasks changes Weekly

24 Quality assurance/Activity Completion
Ch03: Project management ? Quality Management plan– Consists of: Quality planning Quality assurance/Activity Completion Quality control Project Quality Management

25 Is there anything about these definitions that surprises you?
Ch03: Project management ? Project Quality Management – Definition of Quality Fit for use Meets all client requirements Delivered on time within budget and according to client specifications Is there anything about these definitions that surprises you?

26 Ch03: Project management ?
Project Quality Management – Types of Quality Process Quality The quality of the project management process that produced the product, service, or business process Product Quality The quality of the deliverables from the project

27 Ch03: Project management ?
Quality Planning Determine relevant quality standards for the project and what you can do to satisfy them. The inputs to this process are: Environmental factors such as agency regulations, rules, standards, and guidelines Organizational assets such as quality policies, procedures and guidelines, historical data, and lessons learned Project Overview Statement Project Management Plan A Quality Plan documents: How the quality policies will be met The metrics that will be used to measure quality A process improvement program

28 Ch03: Project management ?
Quality Assurance Apply quality activities so that the project employs the processes needed to assure that quality requirements are met. These can include: Quality Audits Process Analysis Project Quality Management Tools

29 Ch03: Project management ?
Quality Control Monitor project performance to determine compliance to quality standards and how to eliminate non-compliance. This will be accomplished by using project management tools, templates, and processes.

30 Ch03: Project management ?
Change management plan In order to manage changes in your project first you have to know what to control such as project scope or requirements (baseline Docs) Then you decide to add the new requirements or not Then you need a group that review the change request (change review board) Then you define a change management process Then evaluate the impact Then add to the project plan

31 Ch03: Project management ?
Change management plan

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