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Vendredi le 3 mai I I.

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1 Vendredi le 3 mai I I

2 April 29 th to May 3 rd week MonTueWedThurFri F 1 ABS: 50% work! NOTES: BAGS/Cest F/C due 105 CARDS Warmup due for 50%, nothing else unless absent. H/W: APT 55-56 F 1 F/C for 100% APT-100% Review W/B audio/written practice H/W: Book test-182 F 1 F/C for 90% APT for 50% Self check APT End of chapter open book test-finish up & grade. Test format F 1 Book test for 100% TEST-BRING PENCIL! F/C for 80% F 1 F/C for 70% Work on MOI project (due Mon. 5/6) F 2 NOTES: 240/241 F/C due 105 CARDS Oral grade: Song 105 F 2 Quiz-DOPS/IDOPS Notes: 230-231 Oral grade F/C due 100 C/W-APT F 2 Oral grade End of chap open book quiz 148-49 Self check APT F/C due 90 F 2 TEST F/C due 80 F 2 F/C due for 70 W/B practice or: Finish La vie en rose. Plan out game projects F2 PreAP NOTES: Lui/Leur F/C 105 LMS Oral grade: song 105 F 2PreAP Oral grade F/C online for 100 Over DOPS in Past/Double H/W: End of book quiz 148- 149 F 2 PreAP End of chap open book quiz 148-49 self check Test prep/online quiz prac. F/C online for 90 F 2 PreAP Test F/C online for 80 F 2 PreAP F/C online for 70 Finish Comte Plan out game projects F 3 Finish oral grade Amsco notes/work due F/C in LMS 105 Oral: 158, 164, 168 Assign APT F 3 F/c online for 100 Quiz-unit 4 Review Grammar 168 oral APT for 100 New W/B/ APT F 3 F/C online 90 Over APT Get new W/B Test Prep/quiz review F 3 review F/C online for 80 F 3 TEST Work on tech project in class. F/C online for 70

3 F 2 1.All make up & late work in. F/C for 70 2.See Museum video and finish La Vie en Rose or Le Comte/Mis Tests are in: Re-test dates: Mon. 6:45 a.m. or 2:30 Wed. 6:45 a.m or 2:30 Thurs. Fri-6:45 a.m. only Lundi: Pick game groups (4 people per group) NO HOMEWORK!

4 F 3 CG: Linterro Toute la classe: Lexamen APT 71-72 corrigez- F 3 APT unit 4 pgs 71 72.pdf Les cartes du vocabulaire-(70%) PAS DE DEVOIRS! BON WEEKEND!

5 F 2PreAP All late/make up work in (F/C-70%) Tests-makeups & oral grades Finish Comte du Monte Cristo Tests are in: Re-test dates: Mon. 6:45 a.m. or 2:30 Wed. 6:45 a.m or 2:30 Thurs. Fri-6:45 a.m. only

6 French 1 All late/makeup work in! If you owe me work, youre doing it today! TODAY: WORK ON MOI project! Face board please! Test results are in! Re-test dates: Mon. 6:45 a.m. or 2:30 Wed. 6:45 a.m. or 2:30 Thurs. & Fri. 6:45 a.m. only MOI projects due May 6 th -11 th for 105%. Due May 12th for 100, May 13 th for 90, May 14 th for 80, May 15 th for 70.

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