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Act 3.

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1 Act 3

2 Recap: Act 1 & 2

3 Act 3 Scene 1 In the street Caesar brushes aside Artemindorus’s attempt to warn him of the conspiracy. Once inside the Capitol, the conspirators gather around Caesar under the guise of pleading for the return of an exile. Beginning with Casca they stab Caesar to death and bathe their arms and hands in his blood. Ignoring Cassius’s advice, Brutus gives Antony permission to speak at Caesar’s funeral. Pretending to support Brutus, Antony plans to use this opportunity to turn the Roman people against the conspirators.

4 Stop and think: Why do you think Antony lies?
How does he really feel about Caesar’s death?








12 Antony’s speech over Caesar’s body
Read and annotate What is he talking about? How does he feel about it? What does that say about humanity (people)? We will do a final writing practice on it tomorrow!

13 For Benchmark 3 It’ll be a speech of something we watched in class, but haven’t discussed Focus on Act 3 You’ll have one class period to write a paragraph with 2 pieces of evidence analyzing tone and theme

14 Antony’s soliloquy Agenda
DO: Identify and analyze connotation of specific elements of evidence to determine tone and theme. Analyze tone to determine theme. HW: Keep current with viewing guide

15 Today it’s all about being SPECIFIC
Quotation marks – know them, love them, use them Explain yourself like you’re on trial Goal – be super specific and get A’s!

16 Antony’s soliloquy Act 3 Scene 1

17 Antony is MAD about Caesar’s death…. But how do you know it?
Antony is not Gucci Antony is MAD about Caesar’s death…. But how do you know it? In your squads, consider the connotation in each segment of the speech (try going beyond just negative) Identify a DIDLS and include an adjective

18 Example: “butchers” (2)
What is it? – a person who kills (usually animals) Connotation – violent, brutal, heartless Intensity/Magnitude – usually this is said when someone is killed in an exceptionally gruesome manner DIDLS – gruesome diction (or details) “butchers” reveals that Antony is horrified and disgusted by how Caesar was put to death, revealing his appalled and vengeful tone towards his death.

19 Antony’s anger and vengeance
Based on his word choice, details, and syntax, HOW do you know Antony feels the way he does? You need PROOF In your squads, consider the connotation in each segment of the speech (try going beyond just negative) Identify a DIDLS and include an adjective

20 “thou bleeding piece of earth” (1)
What’s the connotation? What’s the intensity? What DIDLS?

21 “thou bleeding piece of earth” (1)
What’s the connotation? “Bleeding” conveys death “piece of earth” shows that Caesar is no longer alive, so he’s not a person anymore. Can also indicate the site of the killing Note how I used quotation marks to emphasize I’m referring to specific pieces of evidence!! What’s the intensity? Moderate intensity; Antony is still in shock at this point What DIDLS? Gory diction/details

22 Antony’s anger and vengeance
Based on his word choice, details, and syntax, HOW do you know Antony feels the way he does? You need PROOF In your squads, consider the connotation in each segment of the speech (try going beyond just negative) Identify a DIDLS and include an adjective

23 Now that you went over each quote, consider which ones are strongest
Halve the evidence; what are your top 5?

24 What do your selections all have in common? What made them make the cut?
How do you explain why it conveys the tone?

25 Snap again! Pick your top 2 (if you were to write about them)
Why are these the best?

26 Now, put it together As a squad, analyze how it conveys the tone

27 Analyze evidence (2-3 sentences) – Explain how the device is used at this moment in the piece? How does this device convey the tone? HOW does this TONE help the reader understand the author’s theme/message? Explain. First, explain the DIDLS (use it by name) Ex: Cassius uses complaining diction when he describes himself as “wretched” because the negative connation of wretched conveys that Cassius views himself as bad and lower than Caesar, which he does not like. Then, explain the tone Ex: As a result, Cassius is bitter because he focuses on complaining about his status, and uses negative words like “must bend” to show that he cannot fight back against this lower status, which further enrages him and brings out his bitterness. THEN explain the theme Ex: As a result, Cassius’s bitterness reveal what jealousy does to a person, and how it festers inside of them until they do something to deal with it.

28 Plan for next week Monday – Act 3 Scene 2 (Funeral Scene)
Tuesday – 5 Essentials Survey (In Lab 331) Wednesday – Benchmark 3 Thursday – Finish watching Julius Caesar Friday – Practice final

29 Caesar Act 3 Scene 2

30 Act 3 Scene 2 Agenda Brutus vs. Antony
DO: Identify and analyze connotation of specific elements of evidence to determine tone and theme. Analyze tone to determine theme. HW: Keep current with viewing guide

31 What has happened in the play so far?

32 Act 3 Scene 2 Brutus explains to the people that the cause of Caesar’s assassination was the preservation of the Roman Republic from Caesar’s ambition to be king. Mark Antony, bringing in Caesar’s body, refutes Brutus’s charge of ambition against Caesar, displays Caesar’s wounds, and reveals that Caesar had made the common people his heirs. Inflamed by Antony’s words, the people set off to attack the conspirators. A servant then informs Antony that Octavius Caesar, Antony’s ally, has come to Rome and that Brutus and Cassius have been forced to flee.

33 What is Brutus’s point? In his funeral speech, what does Brutus focus on? How does the crowd appear to respond?

34 What does this reveal about the crowd?
The crowd LOVE Brutus What was so convincing? What does this reveal about the crowd?



37 How would you identify his tone?
Pick a strong tone word How does he feel about how Caesar’s death? Rightous

38 Tips for Benchmark 3 Remember, it’s a speech we don’t talk about in class (but we watched it) Consider what helped you understand Brutus’s speech Viewing guide Comics No Fear Shakespeare And use that to help you review other big speeches to be prepared

39 Now on to Antony How does Antony win the crowd over from Team Brutus?

40 Check out a different production’s version of Antony’s speech

41 Man of Honor Vs. Man of Action How do Brutus and Antony compare?








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