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The Spirit of Individualism Notes

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1 The Spirit of Individualism Notes

2 Timeline information (Important dates)
Events in American literature 1824 1826 1828 1845 1850 1851, ’54, ‘55

3 Timeline, cont. Events in the U.S. 1803 1804 1820 1823 1830 1850 1848                           

4 Timeline, cont. Events in the world 1804 1815 1848

5 Celebrations of the Self
See previous power point on this

6 “The Devil and Tom Walker” by Washington Irving pp. 349-60
Summary Literary Analysis—imagery, plot, theme Folk Tale about greed

7 From Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson pp. 363-68
Summary Aphorism Non-conformist                           

8 From “Civil Disobedience” by Henry David Thoreau pp. 369-78
Summary Essay Non-violent resistance Gandhi MLK, Jr. Eyes on the Prize video

9 Walden by Henry David Thoreau pp. 381-92
Summary Nature Writing Figurative Language Unlimited potential of human beings

10 Walden group assignment
Each group of 3 or 4 will be assigned a number 1-8 on 392. Each group should assign a person to one of the following roles: 1. Presenter (presents in front of class) 2. Recorder (writes on paper & board) 3. Facilitator (keeps an eye on time and focus) If there are more then three in a group, double up on a role where appropriate

11 Walden group assignment, cont.
Make sure that you copy down the other answers from other groups (this is why they are writing it on the board) Turn in your recorder’s sheet with everyone’s name on it. For this, where appropriate you should have quotes. This is worth 20 pts. Per person in the group.

12 Form in Poetry pp. 394-95 Shapes and Sounds Poetic form in action
Free verse

13 Poetry of Walt Whitman pp. 396-405
“I Hear America Singing” “I Sit and Look Out” “Song of Myself” Summary Free Verse

14 anyone lived in a pretty how town by e.e. cummings p. 412
Summary Experimental poetry Making inferences

15 “Gary Keillor” by Garrison Keillor pp. 424-35
Summary Humor Personal Narrative

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