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What Factors allowed Napoleon to Gain Power

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1 What Factors allowed Napoleon to Gain Power

2 Napoleon’s Life Lessons
Went to military school at age 9 Learned how society was divided into 3 estates and that being a good soldier did not help a person move up in society He would later organize his military based on ability over social class

3 Napoleon’s Military Career Begins
Graduated and became an artillery officer at age 16 It was the only job that he could be promoted based upon skill rather than social position

4 Supporting the Revolution
1795 Napoleon was called to stop the royalists forces in Paris that were threatening the revolutionary government 1400 royalists died and the rest fled Seen as a defender of the revolution

5 Spreading the Seeds of Revolution
Exiled supporters of the French royal family were attempting to create opposition to the revolution outside of France Napoleon worked to combat this opposition by defending and extending French boarders through military campaigns in Italy and Egypt Came home with new treasures such as the Rosetta Stone which helped to study ancient Egypt

6 The Rosetta Stone A stone with writing on it in two languages (Egyptian and Greek), using three scripts (hieroglyphic, demotic and Greek).

7 Italian Campaign Italy was a collection of separate regional governments under Austrian control Many cities had secret Jacobin clubs spreading revolutionary ideas When Austria went to war with France during the revolution, Italians were delighted an welcomed Napoleon and his troops who promised freedom French now controlling republics of Italy

8 Egyptian Campaign Napoleon wanted to go after Egypt and he argued that capturing it would cut Britain off from its wealthy colony of India French government let him go as they did not want his influence growing in France Initially won in Egypt but was defeated by the British navy in the Battle of the Nile

9 Military Effort Made Him Popular
Napoleon earned his popularity through his military might seen as a great leader and hero Demonstrated to the French people that he was working for the betterment of all of France Even his defeat in Egypt was seen as a great effort for the glory of France

10 Post Revolutionary Government
After the revolution, the Directory government was a mess The 5 members were split on any government action Parliament was unable to make decisions Corruption was growing People both in and out of the government wanted change

11 Napoleon Overthrows the Directory
One of the members of the Directory asked Napoleon to overthrow the government On Nov Napoleon took control He had the military to support him Replaced the government with a 3 man Consulate Named him self First Consul which gave him powers of a dictator

12 From 1799-1804 Napoleon worked to strengthen his power over France
His military successes ensured him support of the military and the masses He had powers of a dictator Controlled the army, the police, and the media He presented himself as the saviour of France

13 Emperor Napoleon The coronation of Napoleon as Emperor took place on Sunday December 2, 1804 Staged an elaborate ceremony At the moment of the crowning when the Pope said, "Receive the imperial crown...", Napoleon unexpectedly turned and, crowned himself and then crowned the kneeling Joséphine with a small crown which he had first placed on his own head


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