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“You did what?” Young people, involvement, fun and Gateshead Libraries! With Andy Hodgkinson, Karen Leggott and Amy Mckee.

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Presentation on theme: "“You did what?” Young people, involvement, fun and Gateshead Libraries! With Andy Hodgkinson, Karen Leggott and Amy Mckee."— Presentation transcript:

1 “You did what?” Young people, involvement, fun and Gateshead Libraries! With Andy Hodgkinson, Karen Leggott and Amy Mckee.

2 The old teen Library…..

3 The Teen Library now!

4 The Kitchen Library "Libraries are no longer "grocery stores" where students can go to pick up ingredients, but "kitchens" where they have the resources necessary to create a finished product." Joyce Kasman Valenza

5 Groups at Gateshead



8 Partners


10 Involving teens picking books, not just book awards and stock lists!

11 Amy’s Journey


13 Engagement with a wider community – its difficult!

14 Staying Relevant

15 Letting go! But where to?

16 The Future! Having a teen centred Library: Listening to teens
Talking to teens.

17 The Future Part 2!

18 The future Part 3!

19 The end!

20 The end part 2…..

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