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DO NOW: 16 April 2018 Complete the argument essay prompt.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW: 16 April 2018 Complete the argument essay prompt."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW: 16 April 2018 Complete the argument essay prompt.
This quote is presented as we have been practicing, but now more formally. This is technically the end of our argument unit. Can you respond to the prompt accordingly? TIME LIMIT: 40 MINUTES

2 List 2 Review Time When you finish your response, hold on to it.
Review List 2 vocabulary.

3 List 2 Test You are working on this silently.
You are to walk around the room and match term to example. You will have 15 minutes to work INDEPENDENTLY. After 15, you will return to your desk and have 5 minutes to confer. You will then have 5 silent minutes to be sure all parts are answered. IF YOU FAIL TO FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS, I WILL TAKE YOUR TEST AND YOU WILL HAVE TO TAKE A DIFFERENT FORM AFTER SCHOOL.

4 Partner Read Exchange DO NOW essays. Read your partner’s response.
Write a response to how well they responded at the bottom, and sign your name.

5 Coming Up Common Lit: Due Friday by 11:59 p.m. (this is the last one. It will be replaced with Albert assignments.) Your Albert from Friday should be completed by Wednesday, if you don’t have it completed already. In Cold Blood by Truman Capote: Genre: Nonfiction Novel Reading Calendar: Tonight: Read p for Wednesday

6 DO NOW: 17 April 2018 Complete proofreading exercise on Earth Day.
Make sure you have read pages 3-5 of In Cold Blood

7 Truman Capote and In Cold Blood
Reading Calendar Introduction to the man and his work End question: Did Capote succeed at writing a nonfiction novel?

8 What is an epigraph? Example: The 4 lines of the French poem by Francois Villon Read and predict Capote’s purpose in selecting these particular lines.

9 Exit Ticket: Preview List 3 words. Look at your calendar for quiz date. Don’t forget about Albert, which is due tomorrow. Common Lit will be cancelled this week so you can focus on the book. Don’t fall behind on the reading.

10 DO NOW: 18 April 2018 Review List 3 vocabulary

11 DO NOW: 19 April 2018 Evaluate the following sentence for diction and imagery: The land is flat, and the views are awesomely extensive; horses, herds of cattle, a white cluster of grain elevators rising as gracefully as Greek temples are visible long before a traveler reaches them (Capote 3). Consider the following to assist you in analysis: Syntax: what kind of sentence is this? Does its length and complexity mirror the imagery? Diction: which words are most visual? Most complex in their meaning? Imagery and figurative language: what does the use of the simile add to the image of the land?

12 In-Class Reading Days Expectation:
You are reading silently or actively at a low volume in a small group for 80% of the class period. Reading days are graded. Reading days will not be guaranteed. If the majority of class is not using the time, I will stop the reading day and present a lesson or activity.

13 DO NOW: 19 April 2018 What? How? Why? Agree or disagree? Explain. Try for a page of analysis and discussion with evidence.

14 Socratic Seminar Expectations
AP Resource Packet, p Use the text! Listen and learn from your classmates. Respond to individuals specifically. Minimum of 2 SUBSTANTIAL comments; it isn’t good enough to just say “I agree,” etc. IF you do not participate, you can still get a B for discussion by taking notes on the entire discussion and writing your own responses in the margins.

15 In Cold Blood, p. 3-47 Discussion topics: Characterization
Foreshadowing Selection of Details Figurative Language Syntax Impact of Capote’s choices on meaning Questions or clarification needs

16 After discussion, Write a paragraph response in which you select ONE of the most impactful rhetorical choices Capote has made in your opinion thus far in the book in helping to move the plot or to develop the characters. Provide examples of this choice. Explain why it has been effective for you. When finished, turn it in and continue reading for Monday’s quiz.

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